Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2467
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


He's seeking Ginger White's phone records, and denying that the alleged trip to the Tyson-Holyfield fight (the one where Tyson bit his ear) ever took place.  Someone is lying, and we owe it to ourselves and the process to find out who. From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: A...


Michele Walk, who along with Kathleen helped me out on some social media things and who now works for Engage, links to an interesting post at Mashable about eye tracking of Facebook pages performed by EyeTrackShop Inc. Here's the image of what people see on a Facebook page:   I'm...

On November 26 I noted that Newt's line at an overflowing town hall in Florida, “I’m the comeback grandparent”, struck the right chord. First, it distinguished Newt's prior "when I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible" days from the person running for president. ...

That's Doug Mataconis pushing back against my post We know who lost Egypt and similar arguments by others. The push back misses the point.  Whether or not we could have controlled the situation -- and whether or not we should have tried -- the fact is that we...

Mitt Romney had a disastrous interview with Bret Baier the other night, compounded by Romney complaining about the interview to Baier (video via Right Scoop h/t HotAir): As bad as the original interview was, Romney's reaction simply confirms the perception that Romney will have trouble in...

Obama's foolish policy of forcing Mubarak out of office precipitously without giving non-Islamist parties time to organize has resulted in Islamists achieving a sweeping victory in the first round of parliamentary elections.  Strength by the Muslim Brotherhood was expected, but the extremely hard line Salafists had...

Ron Paul released a very professionally done hit job on Newt.  It's all over at Drudge, HotAir, etc.  Not really surprising, since Paul and Newt apparently have some bad blood going far back, and Newt totally embarrassed Paul at the national security debate. While it would...

A lot going on: Herman Cain not dropping out.  Allen West says he's become a distraction and should exit.  Whether justified or not, the allegations are causing an implosion in New Hampshire. Eric Holder punches up at Daily Caller. Iranians need to stop looting the English Embassy, the...

...to protect the poor. Or so my friends have argued. But, time and time again, I see government intervention perverting many means out of poverty. While ineffective foreign aid and protectionism hurt those in the developing world the most, many Americans have had their economic aspirations atrophied by laws all...

Apparently not the Governmant Accounting Board according to the McIver Institute (h/t CharlieSykes): The state board overseeing the potential recall election of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker tells the MacIver News Servicethat they will rely upon temporary workers to scrutinize recall petitions and those individuals will not be...

Mitt Romney appeared last night for an interview with Brett Baier (video below).  Too bad Brett didn't ask Romney why Romney refused to appear before the full panel on Center Seat, like the other candidates have done. My biggest reaction is that it's bizarre that Romney refuses to admit he...

Here's the background via The NY Post: Considering that President Obama has practically made New York his second  home between fund-raising, UN visits and “date nights” with the missus, you’d  think he’d be a little more sympathetic to beleaguered residents and workers  schlepping home on a...

It could have come to that, but it didn't, and not because of the United Federation of Teachers. Thanks to reader SoCalMike who spotted this bumper sticker in Riverside, CA: ...

Taking another look at Michele Bachmann is one of the memes being pushed by people unhappy with the Newt/Romney choice in the wake of the likely departure from the race of Herman Cain. Why does Cain dropping out make Bachmann any better than she was? She's still...