Anti-secularistic insurrection
It's still legal. Spotted in my hometown in Rhode Island: ...
It's still legal. Spotted in my hometown in Rhode Island: ...
Merry Christmas to Legal Insurrection readers. A Social Network Christmas was posted by Kathleen last Christmas: I like this video fo Enya singing Silent Night in Irish Gaelic (h/t American Glob): ...
At the Saturday Night Card Game, a man's words are his words. Words matter. And you can't take them back. The players have a long memory, almost as long a memory as the internet. And so it has come to this (emphasis mine): But Mr. Holder contended that many...
Hat tip to Sunshine State Sarah for this video of Ronald Reagan's December 23, 1981 Christmas address to the nation. There are so many amazing things about this video. It's uplifting and depressing at the same time. When will it be over? Part 1 Part 2 ...
Since 2008 Obama has pursued a class warfare agenda, narrowing his focus over time from the Top 5% to the Top 2% to the Top 1%. This year Obama has narrowed his focus even further, singling out those millionaires and billionaires who pay a lower tax...
It's easy to come up with conspiracy theories for any bombing, but the two car bombings in Syria in restricted areas have raised suspicions that it was a set-up by the Assad regime to rally public support and set both Arab governments and the West...
After losses in Colorado, Illinois and a devastating scam pulled in California, Republicans have won redistricting battles in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In New Jersey, an incumbent Dem will have to run in a majority Republican district, and several other Republicans shed Democratic communities in their...
I always wondered what I would say if caught in the act of photographing someone's bumper sticker. Probably will go something like this, at least if in Ithaca: "Hey, love the Coexist sticker, pass the Granola," or perhaps, "Repuglicans suck, don't they. Dig the Tax the...
Almost hard to believe, but only Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul have qualified for the Virginia Republican primary on Super Tuesday in March. Virginia has onerous requirements of 10,000 signatures with at least 400 from each of 11 congressional districts. Rick Perry, who was believed...
I posted previously about accusations that groups such as Media Matters and the Center for American Progress (which runs the Think Progress blog) routinely used questionable terminology (such as "Israel-Firsters") and were pushing an anti-Israel agenda under the guise of battling the "Israel Lobby." The story...
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They love him so much but he doesn't love them back. And it hurts. They know it is not healthy. Some would call it abusive, a syndrome even. They blame themselves; if only they had not talked back, if only ...
Via Right Scoop, Mark Levin (prefers Santorum or Bachmann) talks 2012 presidential candidates with Don Imus (Newt hater): Watch the latest video at
With some links I've been saving but never got around to posting: Wind energy industry is sucking up federal subsidies at an amazing pace, and it's going to industry insiders. Interesting article at Yale Law Journal about how impeachment is not, or at least should not be,...
Best and Worst Tweets of the Year, preferably ones featured at LI (use Twitter tag to search) but open to other suggestions. Best and Worst Bumper Sticker Photos of the Year, limited to those featured at LI (use Bumper Stickers tag to search). Post in comments by...
We keep hearing about how we should not nominate a candidate who is not disciplined and will create needless general election distractions . This certainly will be a major distraction, Romney Says He Won’t Release Tax Returns: “I doubt it,” Mr. Romney said, according to a transcript...
... for either job? Sent by reader Benny, who writes: I sent you a picture a couple months back and yesterday I was in the area of this gas station so I couldn't resist taking some more.......I sure wish that this was his job rather than being...
Clinical observation: But Politico’s traffic losses appear to be part of a year-long trend on the political left. Media Matters For America’s website, for instance, lost 56.83 percent of its unique visitors between November 2010 and November 2011. In the same 12-month period, Talking Points Memo...