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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Differing impressions of tonight's Republican debate in New Hampshire: According to Mitt Romney: Tonight's the night that the lights went out in Texas According to Rick Perry: And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive According to Herman Cain: Let me entertain you, let me make you smile According to Michele Bachmann: I am the tax...


The New Hampshire debate starts at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll try to embed the live feed, since it's not on national television.  Here the link to the live broadcast (not able to find embed yet). You can partipate in the discussion in the Cover-It Live box...

An Israeli soldier who has been in prison in Gaza for 5 years without so much as a visit by the Red Cross. Apparently a deal has been reached for his release. The terms are not yet known, but the Israeli cabinet is voting on it tonight (Israel...

Union-backed protesters plan on protesting outside the buildings of several billionaires in New York City, including trying to present "checks" representing the funds the billionaires will save if a New York State surcharge on the wealth expires later this year. Make no mistake, this is not...

The mother of all recall battles is set to launch on November 15, when the 60 day clock starts for Wisconsin Democrats to obtain over 540,206 signatures on recall petitions against Governor Scott Walker. If suffiicient signatures are obtained (and I assume they will), the recall election...

is pretty well set out in this article in The Providence Journal about intimidation of legislators who are considering reforms needed to save Rhode Island from fiscal collapse (see my post yesterday for background): Philip Keefe, the president of the second-largest state employees union, the R.I....

I criticized Mitt Romney's campaign on the night of the Reagan Library debate for having a spokesman claim that Perry wanted to kill social security, linking to this tweet by John McCormack: The Romney campaign has been hitting similar themes for the past month.  It's the...

I would love to see the #OccupyWallStreet protesters try to occupy this guy's car. It's a fair bet that he's not a fan of #OccupyWallStreet protesters carrying the Soviet Flag in Philadelphia, taking dumps on police cars in New York, or chanting stuff about doing it...

Democrats and media helpers like Paul Krugman have been weaving a Tea Party eliminationist narrative for years. As pointed out by James Taranto, it looks like Democrats finally have found an eliminationist narrative they can believe in: Related:  Worst. #OccupyWallStreet. Advice. Ever....

What's new in the #OccupyWorld? The untold or at least not sufficiently told story here is the role of the Canadian firm AdBusters in organizing these protests.  Your links and info. would help me in pulling that story together. I also found quite interesting and distrubing the...

...and #OccupyWallStreet ain't so different. Its Kids Speak Out Day at #OccupyWallStreet!  CNN reports: Organizers of the "leaderless resistance movement" also billed Monday as "Kids Speak Out" day, given that many schoolchildren are off for Columbus Day. "Even as banks got bailed out, American children have witnessed their parents...

Is there anything #OccupyWallStreet protesters will not chant responsively?  Apparently not. "Jump the shark" doesn't begin to describe this sequence of responsive chanting (I think they call it human microphone or whatever). We saw the responsive chanting at Occupy Atlanta, but this one takes the cake, as the...

I know you know about Rhode Island's public sector employee pension problem, because I've posted about it so many times. But take a look at this chart which shows how household contributions to public sector pensions (state employees and teachers) is expected to climb to just over...

I would like to propose an additional criterion for Operation Counterweight, for those that want to ensure a more conservative congress to go along with a Romney presidency (It's pretty clear that's the contingency that OC is preparing for, so let's talk in those...

We've seen this before, at the celebration of Obama's victory in 2008, where students unfurled the Soviet flag in celebration. I chalked that up to profound historical ignorance, much like the chic wearing of Che Guevara and Mao t-shirts. The carrying of the Soviet flag at the Occupy...