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Just another Wednesday afternoon

Just another Wednesday afternoon

A lot going on:


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Happy news — A potential victory for capitalism, this time against the eco-tyrants: US IS POISED TO BECOME NET OIL EXPORTER!

Hey Rhode Island … Look at Japan!!

LukeHandCool (whose Japanese mother-in-law was disappointed a couple years ago when she visited L.A. at Christmas time expecting to see wondrous festive displays … and remarked that Japan’s cities had much better and ubiquitous Christmas displays).

    LukeHandCool in reply to LukeHandCool. | November 30, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    P.S. Scroll down to see beautiful Christmas images around Japan while fretting that perhaps Japan is becoming a Christian theocracy??!!!??

Michael Barone should have written a piece covering Mitt’s reliving the years as Massachusetts governor instead of the 1950’s.

The Christmas Tree/holiday tree thing is getting a little out of hand. Christmas has become as much cultural as it is religious, many secular countries and even our own federal government recognize it as a civil holiday. While I don’t intend to impugn its importance to Christians, Christmas is celebrated widely by many categories of non-Christians. In the US (according to a 2008 Gallup poll) 81% of Americans are Christian, yet fully 93% celebrate Christmas.
I generally feel pretty strongly about separation of church and state, but there’s a point where it just gets ridiculous.

JON MEACHAM: The analogy to 1979 is something we should explore a little bit more, for all the obvious reasons: a technocratic president who thinks he’s really smart and perhaps above it all. And a slightly unsettled Republican field. Sounds somewhat familiar.

SCARBOROUGH: It does sound familiar.

[…] interview there with Herman Cain. Thank you for that reporting.UPDATE V: Linked at POH Diaries and Legal Insurrection — thanks!Just got an e-mail from Cain campaign chief of staff Mark Block, acknowledging he […]

As a Jew growing up in Rhode Island in the late 50’s/early 60’s the best time of year was Christmas in Garden City (Cranston). Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams so that he and others could freely practice their religion. The “separation of church and state” argument is absurd, especially when the Governor used it as the reason for NOT having the tree. Isn’t the freedom to exercise ones religion the FREEDOM to exercise it? There’s a difference between allowing the tree and forcing everyone to believe in a particular doctrine. What a freaking idiot.

So Rep. West wants Cain to drop out because he’s become a “distraction”? You realize that if you allow the media to drive a black conservative out of the public eye through constant bogus charges, it will never stop. Indeed I wouldn’t be surprised if women started popping up, to start making charges against West, in his next reelection run.

west clarified that a bit later on, not as damning as it actually sounds.