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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Calling Israel an "Apartheid State" and the barrier built to keep out suicide bombers the "Apartheid Wall" is part of the standard lexicon of the Islamist-Lefist Anti-Israel Coalition. In The New York Times today, Richard Goldstone calls the apartheid terminology a slander, Israel and the Apartheid...


That's the question I had for reader Mike, who sent the photo and responded: All I can tell you is that it’s a take-off on that unanswerable woman’s question, “Honey, does this dress make my ass look big?” I’ll let you decide for yourself whether it...

I'm finally back after a full day of travel, where I had to rely on CNN and MSNBC on the plane for coverage of the Politico story about Herman Cain. I can't really sort through all the details yet, too much has happened in the last...

 I was over at #OWS yesterday and I know the LI readership will be pleased to hear that the movement is still going strong. This is despite Mayor Bloomberg's crackdown on their primitive heating system.What will be the next challenge for the organizers? After, you...

Here are some things you may have missed this weekend: Please donate to the “Jonathan Alter Obama Scandal Education Fund” Why isn’t Obama protecting these Libyan civilians? Snowloween Tweet of the Day If this doesn’t motivate you for November, Part 2 Saturday Night Card Game - More on the attacks on Herman Cain  ...

Because I'm traveling all day, I'm not going to be able to cover the Politico's not very specific yet sensational claims about two settlements in the 1990s involving women who worked at the National Restaurant Association when Herman Cain ran the organization.  It's not clear...

Thanks to reader Thomas who writes: I spotted this in Portland, Oregon today. I'm not sure what the point of the message is. Perhaps it's some form of insurrection? ...

Slow day here, traveled back from Palm Desert.  I never watched the show The OC, but I hope the scenery is better than what I saw on the drive back to the airport. Where has everyone gone this weekend? Ah, this explains it, Power outages from...


Fascinating account of how new environmental regulations and restoration projects are emptying the northern California countryside, Rural rebellion brewing: Sacramento is Government Central, a land of overly pensioned bureaucrats and restaurant discounts for state workers. But way up in the North State, one finds a small...

Sometimes the Editorial Board of The NY Times gets it right, even if for the wrong reasons, as in this editorial, The Court and the Next President: When Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. began the new Supreme Court term by congratulating Antonin Scalia on his 25th...

From Walter Russell Mead referencing cancellation of his own speech, and taking it all in good humor: I was scheduled to give a talk at the Hannah Arendt conference here at Bard this evening on the problems of the green movement in dealing with the connections...

just to sing? Thanks to reader Joe, who writes: Spotted this unfortunate billboard in Chicago (which is shocking, I know) on Western Ave near the I-90 entrance ramp. Felt like it was juxtaposed nicely with the billboard from those greedy, evil corporate fat cats at Big Red. Keep up all the...

The pretext for the U.N. no fly zone in Libya was to protect Libyan civilians from Gaddafi's army.  The U.S., France and others then exceeded the U.N. mandate by attacking Gaddafi's forces more generally, leading eventually to Gaddafi's capture and field execution. Back in March I...