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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Michele Bachmann is holding a press conference any minute.  She is expected to announce she is "suspending" her presidential campaign. Video to be added when available. It was a classy speech. Watch the latest video at

John McCain is set to endorse Mitt Romney today, and I'm sure there will be plenty of platitudes. But the McCain endorsement comes with baggage, like this: “Never get into a wrestling match with a pig,” Senator John McCain said in New Hampshire this month after reporters...

It was a late night, and apparently Mit Romney won by 8 votes.  Don't let anyone tell you voter fraud is not a threat; what if this had been the general election and Barack Obama won by 8 votes in a state, would we not...

The election was close going down to the wire between Santorum and Romney, with no winner declared as of this writing, with both in the 24% range.  Paul was at about 21%, Newt at 13%, Perry at 10%, and Bachmann at 5%.  (Results not final) The...

Welcome to Legal Insurrection's Iowa Caucuse live event. We will stay live until the results are in. You can comment in the Live Feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.’s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection...

Because there's a big world out there, and stuff is doing: Iran Missile Drill Results Exaggerated, Images Photoshopped Previously American Left troubled by him, but drawn to him [link fixed] US and EU Funding Palestinian Efforts to Stop "Normalization" with Israel Defiant: U.S. defiant as Iran threatens action over Navy...

This post will be "sticky" until early evening when we go "Live" at about 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Eastern, and will collect news from Iowa during the day, with the most recent on top: --------------- With the Iowa Caucuses just a few hours away and the live event...

Things have been ugly on the airwaves in Iowa, and the recipient of those ads is going to start giving some of the ugly back. It's unfortunate that it has come to this, but it fits a pattern which goes back to Iowa in the 2008...

What goes around comes around.  Michele Bachmann hired Ed Rollins as campaign manager last spring and the first thing he did was trash Sarah Palin. Bachmann let the Rollins' comments hang out there for a while and then went on TV to say what good friends...

Thanks to John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit who took this photo of end of the New Year's Eve Paddle in Morton Grove, IL: ...

Re-running the Kennedy campaign against Romney based on Bain deals was predictable and predicted, but this does seem a bit early: The Democratic National Committee has set up a war room in Iowa with its main focus on Mitt Romney, who is looking more and more...

Here's the plan, subject to change. Beginning late morning or lunchtime (Eastern), we'll have an Open and Update Thread with latest from Iowa.  While the caucuses don't start until the evening, we'll try to dig deep for reports of how and what the campaigns are doing. ...

This is lighting up Twitter.  Colmes also uses the incident in a blog post today, linking to this 2005 WaPo article: In his Senate office, on a shelf next to an autographed baseball, Sen. Rick Santorum keeps a framed photo of his son Gabriel Michael, the fourth of...