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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



This ad actually is going to run on television in South Carolina, although in a small buy on a single station. It will be viewed by far more on the internet. I think this will help Romney. The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire...

Occupy Harvard came to an inglorious end. What was left of the encampment was blown down by strong winds, and carted away Friday evening.  People were heard yelling,, "they took the dome, they took the ...

Yes. Headline and story line: Conservative Christian leaders endorse Rick Santorum after Texas meeting A group of about 150 conservative Christian leaders and political activists emerged today from a two-day meeting at a Texas ranch and endorsed former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum for president – a surprising...

So suggests Randall Hoven: I can't say he's wrong.  I can say that it will be a disaster for our general election chances if the primaries are over so soon, before the bubble of Romney's electability is fully probed in the conservative media. Andy McCarthy joins a growing chorus...

Thanks to reader Bob, who writes: This is a sign I photographed in Delhi while touring India a few weeks ago. I'm sure there is an analogy somewhere to the main stream media in the United States. ...

The man of God or the man who is a God in New England? I'm going hometown. I will update when the game is over, until then, it's whatever is on your mind. Post game update:  "That was so satisfying that I need a cigarette."...

Tony passed away a week ago today.  This clip from the McLaughlin group is a good testiment to him. Tony's commentary on Egypt was right on target: ...

In response to reader requests, we're adding a way to vote thumbs up or down on blog posts and comments. Be nice, or not....

At least her blog, that is: It was back on January 14, 2004 that I crossed the line into the blogosphere. (That's what we called it then, the blogosphere.) After posting every single day — absolutely never even one day away — I'm still having a...

The Bain attack ads have hurt Romney in South Carolina, as a Romney supporter acknowledges, although nowhere near the impact Romney's SuperPAC's anti-Newt ads had in Iowa.  (Before the Romney supporters get all preachy, I've had a chance to look back at some of those...

There seems to be a war brewing in the Middle East, if not on the battlefield at least in the political realm. The Wall Street Journal and many others report tension between the U.S. and Israel over a potential strike on Iran.  There also is tension over...

Rear window vinyl signs are the equivalent of CAPS and !!! on the internet. Spotted by Linda in the, you guessed it, Lowe's parking lot in Nashville, TN: ...

This is from the "you can't make this stuff up" files Analysis from Small Dead Animals, The Other McCain, and Ace of Spades HQ: The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook...

This is getting ridiculous, the contortions people are undergoing to make believe Bain is not a problem for Mitt Romney. It's bad enough that they have conflated defending Bain with a defense of capitalism and free markets.  I also noted yesterday how a couple of Romney defenders on...