Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2458
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


We keep hearing about how we should not nominate a candidate who is not disciplined and will create needless general election distractions . This certainly will be a major distraction, Romney Says He Won’t Release Tax Returns: “I doubt it,” Mr. Romney said, according to a transcript...


... for either job? Sent by reader Benny, who writes: I sent you a picture a couple months back and yesterday I was in the area of this gas station so I couldn't resist taking some more.......I sure wish that this was his job rather than being...

Clinical observation: But Politico’s traffic losses appear to be part of a year-long trend on the  political left. Media Matters For America’s website, for instance, lost 56.83  percent of its unique visitors between November 2010 and November 2011. In the  same 12-month period, Talking Points Memo...

other things: House Republicans reportedly caving in, and agreeing to two month extension with conference committee to be appointed.  This whole thing is a big mess, and Tina Korbe at HotAir has a good explanation of where it went wrong. Did you watch Obama's press statement?  It...

Ted Kennedy ran an effective attack ad campaign against Mitt Romney in 1994, leading to a 17% victory (disregard Ann Coulter every time she says how well Romney ran against Teddy, she's just being "bombastic"). Here was Romney's response (via @AKaczynski1) Look, we all understand the dynamic...

It's all playing out according to plan. Now that Newt's surge has stalled or burst, the full frontal attack is being launched on Ron Paul. It's not that the scrutiny is not warranted, it's just interesting that it took so long. Some of the belated nature of the...

Reader Hope Change in the Tip Line suggests the following caption for this photo:  “That’s right, Mr. President, National Review is trying to elect Mitt Romney.” I think that's a good one, although it presumes Reagan would have known who Romney was.  Any other suggestions? And the...

In the least shocking news ever, Mitt Romney, who taunted Newt by saying that Newt could not take the heat of negative advertising run by a pro-Romney SuperPAC, refuses to take Newt up on the challenge of a one-on-one debate next week: "We've had many occasions...

This is a follow up to yesterday's post by Bryan Jacoutot, Lobbyist double standard, highlighting the hypoocrisy of the conservative punditry lambasting Newt allegedly for being a de facto lobbyist and Washington insider, while ignoring Romney's close campaign ties to lobbyists. Roll Call notes that Romney is...

All the news is focused on whether the House Republicans will cave and go along with the unworkable and illogical Senate two-month extension of the social security "tax holiday." That is how stupid politics has become, both Democrats and Senate Republicans are lashing out at House...

Well here's another depressing redistricting story, to add to the Colorado and Illinois depressing stories. While Democrats were expected to pick up one or two seats in California due to restricting, it looks like they will pick up 6-7 because they mounted an under the radar...

From reader and frequent photographer Matt in Colorado, who writes: If only the establishment Republican Party would do so...

From Dan McLaughlin, who recently endorsed Rick Perry, writing at RedState: As we all know by now, there’s Good Newt and there’s Bad Newt.  If you want the full Good Newt experience, check out this speech he gave to the NRA convention back in April.  If...

It's a word I find myself using, or wanting to use, more and more. WaPo fact checker gives Romney PAC anti-Newt ad Four Pinnochios, and Newt says Romney supports The Right To Lie. It's part of Newt's strategy of Passive Resistence.  When you don't have money to counter...

The recent endorsement of Mitt Romney for President by The Washington Examiner has worked to underscore an odd and conflicting point by Romney supporters who are attempting to “make the case for Mitt.” A common line that has been consistently trumpeted by Romney supporters is that...

...  and claim that the Republican Party of 2012, not Obama, is the true heir to Roosevelt. Via Politico, You, sir, are no Teddy Roosevelt: In a speech to be delivered in Bedford, N.H., this evening, Mitt Romney will push back explicitly on Barack Obama's recent invocation...