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Conservative Republican Congressman Michele Bachmann has come under fire for stating that voters should be “armed and dangerous” over the administration’s engery tax plans. While the leftwing media tried to twist this statement into a literal call to arms, in fact Bachmann was using a...

Well, that didn’t take long. On March 3, 2009, New York Times columnist David Brooks issued his “Moderate Manifesto” in which he confessed uneasiness with his choice of Obama. But Brooks is back on board the Obama ship of state, with a column in today’s...

Ah, hope and change. Near silence from the American mainstream media, but this news item from the Brits about Obama appointing one of his key fundraisers as Ambassador to Great Britain: Barack Obama has been embroiled in a cronyism row after reports that he intends...

I didn’t expect to end up opposing the impeachment of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. When the news first broke that Blagojevich was charged, among other things, with attempting to “sell” Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, I was inclined to follow the media and pundits in...

James G. Lindsay, the former General Counsel of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), has issued a detailed 84-page report harshly critical of UNRWA’s policies with regard to Palestinian refugees. The report is titled “Fixing UNRWA...

Welcome to Legal Insurrection’s Official Guide to Blagojevich Blogs. What makes this “official”? The same thing that makes people think the Franklin Mint is related to the U.S. Mint, even though the commercial says it’s not. These blogs have frequent posts or links specifically about...

Thanks to Open Line Blog and Capitol Fax for cross-posting this piece.———————————————————————————————-On Friday, December 12, 2008, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a motion in the Illinois Supreme Court seeking emergency injunctive relief removing Gov. Rod Blagojevich from office, or alternatively, stripping Blagojevich of his...

See my article, For the Sake of the Nation, Gov. Blagojevich Should Not Resign, at American Thinker. Why would I want a corrupt Governor to remain in office until trial and conviction? Because that is the only way all the facts will come out quickly,...

December 10, 2008 was the “Day Without A Gay” boycott. This foolish boycott was a reaction to California Prop. 8, which enshrined in the California state constitution the traditional definition of marriage. The essence of the boycott, which was modeled on the failed May 1,...

As reported in many blogs in August 2008, the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) came under intense pressure to move its annual convention, scheduled to start January 6, 2009, away from a hotel owned by a contributor to the pro-Proposition 8 campaign in California....

The widely reported news that Sarah Palin didn’t know Africa was a continent has been revealed to be a hoax. The news “source” supposedly inside the McCain campaign was an impostor, who even created a phony research institute to give legitimacy to his claims, and...

“One Person, One Vote, One Time” describes the phenomenon of democratic [with a small d] societies electing leaders who intend to change the institutions of government to ensure their own political survival. Examples in history are many, but most recently Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Hugo...

Similar to my post Obama Is Door No. 2, Fouad Ajami in his great article in The Wall Street Journal, Obama and the Politics of Crowds, points out that the hysteria in favor of Barack Obama long ago passed the stage of irrationality: On the...

The mainstream media has been so biased in this election, that most journalists no longer deserve the title. So says ABC News journalist Michael Malone in a great blog post: “The traditional media is playing a very, very dangerous game. With its readers, with the...