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K. McCaffrey — My friend Jonathan, a gov major at Cornell, is keeping a blog while studying abroad in Syria. One of the few American students studying in the area (and definitely the most sympathetic to our causes), his writing has given me excellent insight...

K. McCaffrey — I am super jealous of everyone who will be at CPAC today. I have to wait until tomorrow to attend (a cost-benefit analysis of the cost of college per credit hour leaves me no choice), but those who are there today will...

I have posted here many times about my quirky home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, particularly the union-controlled legislature, deficit-ridden municipalities, and Democratic hegemony: Rhode Island Dem Launches “Let’s Scare Grandma” Tour Rhode Island Becoming A Sanctuary State Unions Rescued In Rhode Island...

Not sure this will help Mitch Daniels’ putative campaign: For real, or the campaign equivalent of Stuxnet? ——————————————–Related Post:So Tell Me About Mitch Daniels Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!

PolitiFact, started at the St. Petersburg Times and then franchised out to other newspapers including The Providence Journal, has been the subject of critique here before, Media Bias In Action: Providence Journal Politicizes PolitiFact: In these latest examples the circumstances are virtually identical — both candidates...

From the producer of How Liberal Journalists Think, Liberal Taxes Explained, Feminism Explained, and Meet The Liberal Elite. (h/t Small Dead Animals) ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!

Watching Sean Hannity’s interview with Donald Rumsfeld last night reminded me of Rumsfeld’s “known- knowns, known-unknowns, and unknown-unknowns” statement during a press conference in 2002.  I use this construct in class to describe how to build a legal case (you build it around the known-knowns, just saved...

…. (h/t @drjjoyner) ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!

I posted numerous times before about the alleged ambiguity in the New START Treaty language regarding missile defense, and how in the rush for a lame duck, pre-Christmas ratification, the Senate ignored differences in interpretation rather than seek clarification from the Russians. The Russians consistently had...

Now that Sarah Palin has invoked the 3 a.m. phone call (which she says went to an answering machine when Egypt was calling), it is worth looking at the original Hillary advertisement, which touched on the doubts so many have about Obama: Here is a...

strap a suicide belt to a 14-year-old? This video is from several years ago, but it is a reminder of what the Israelis are up against, and how checkpoints and the security barrier were both necessary and effective. So the next time you hear the...

Thanks to reader James for the link to this chart by Nate Silver, showing where Silver believes various potential Republian candidates fall on a sliding scale of insider/outsider and conservative/moderate: Sweet spot, or mushy middle? If it is any help, here’s how Silver describes Pawlenty’s...

David Cameron has generated a stir in Europe by giving a speech in which he said that state-sponsored multiculturalism has failed: Note that Cameron was not criticizing multi-racial or multi-ethnic societies; he was proclaiming the failure of policies which sought to segregate and separate groups in...

This article will save you money if you actually buy into the premises of a recent article in the Journal about college admissions that had me rolling my eyes. It is no secret that the children of certain families (and we all know who we...

K. McCaffrey — The grandfather of classical liberal policy institutes, the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), is a wealth of great resources for the liberty-minded. One of my friends reposted this article from 2003 in their journal, The Freeman, that puts, in very simple terms,...

(K. McCaffrey) — We all know how the liberal narrative goes: the Tea Party is supposed to be racist. Even after Andrew Breitbart’s $100,000 challenge and the continual failure to pinpoint awful tragedies on the Tea Party, lefties everywhere persist on blaming the Tea Party...