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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Chris Christie is visiting Israel, and got a chance to look out at Syria from the Golan Heights. Tweet of the Day from @jennaportnoy: ...


You all know about the secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers. Media Matters threw its full weight into the boycott, continues to work on it, and so-called "independent" groups continue to tweet away and call mostly local advertisers. The boycott intimidation tactics failed to remove Limbaugh from...

Um, there's so much I could say, so many comparisons I could make. But I'm not going to go there.  Because he knows who has been naughty, and I don't want to get fishy flagged or end up on an #attackwatch list like Fuzzy. From a reader who...

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was interviewed by Doug McIntyre of California radio station 790 KABC regarding Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was named Chairman of the Democratic National Convention. McIntyre ripped into Villaraigosa's record, to which Wasserman-Schultz responded: "I really find your comments disappointing and borderline offensive." Borderline offensive? Offensive...

I knew I shouldn't have looked back. I have not read Jennifer Rubin in weeks. She has become so odious in her Romneyquest that reading her posts is like sipping poison; it doesn't kill you but it makes you nauseated. Every time I read one of her insulting...

on what basis would sex-selective abortion be regulated? I previously highlighted the problem, When A Woman’s Right To Choose Results In Fewer Women – In The U.S. Via James Pethokoukis comes this article about the spread of sex-selective abortion in the U.S.,  Unwelcome import: Sex selective abortion: I’d read...

From Linda in Tennessee, taken in late December at the Sportsmans Grill, Franklin TN, sent with the note: Mine is still not equal to Air Force One and Air Force Two jetting off to Hawaii for the tenth vacay of the year. ...

Somewhere. If so, and if there are results, at some point I'll get around to it.  (As I'm writing, Romney wins big in MD)(and also, Wisconsin, now) In the meantime, some updates from prior topics (and maybe some new): Details on the plane crash which killed the founder...

Piers Morgan interviewed crime writer Patricia Cornwell as to how critical forensics -- such as bullet distance and trajectory -- will be. Since no one, except perhaps the investigators, has that evidence so far, anyone who is speculating on what happend is just speculating. The transcript is...

Ah, Facebook.  Via The Shark Tank: Jew hate is nothing new, but within the Democratic National Committee, this is clearly unchartered territory. DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s ol’ staffer and newly named the DNC’s Jewish Outreach Liason Dani Gilbert refers to herself an her fellow khevre...

The normally supportive commentariat is not happy, for a variety of reasons: My law school classmate Ruth Marcus, WaPo, Obama’s unsettling attack on the Supreme Court: "I would lament a ruling striking down the individual mandate, but I would not denounce it as conservative justices run...

I will grant the Martin family enormous deference in the way they interact with the media.  They lost a child.  Whatever the facts of this case end up being, they lost a child.  Whatever the legal outcome ends ups being, they lost a child.  They are...

This article at the NY Post about Chris Christie's visit to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem fairly is characterized as "one long fat joke." New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a huge impression at Israel’s Western Wall yesterday during his first official overseas trip as head of...