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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Thanks to the many readers who use the links in the sidebar for shopping. It doesn't cost you anything, but a small percentage gets paid to Legal Insurrection. Considering all the big plans we have for next year (the tease) we really could use...

There is a reason we have been focusing on the cancellation of Ann Coulter's speech at Fordham, in which the President of the University, Father Joseph McShane, publicly shamed the College Republican's for inviting her, then reveled in their apology and request for forgiveness. President McShane's statements...

Aren't they all religious symbols? From Eric: Spotted this creepy version of the co-exist sticker while riding passenger with a friend today (11/19) in Eugene Oregon. One of these symbols is not like the others. ...

As with many good intentions, my pledge to address the "demography is destiny" political nonsense has fallen by the wayside, consumed by intervening events.  Consider this just a touch on the issue. It's not that broadening the appeal doesn't matter, it's just that demographic arguments are...

I criticize the president frequently here. So let me now praise him for remarks he made today regarding Israel’s attacks on Hamas’ positions in Gaza.  Via the New York Times: Speaking on Sunday from Bangkok, President Obama condemned missile attacks by Palestinian fighters in Gaza and...

Once again the radical (and mainstream) left is misguidedly attacking Israel, the democratic nation that respects human rights and freedom, while promoting the Islamic totalitarian nations that surround them. Thursday, Rebel Pundit captured on video a typical leftist march condemning Israel outside the Obama headquarters in...

Hey, doofus, all the votes were counted, and it's spelled Libya. From Nick, spotted on Election Day: Saw this in the Fred Meyer parking lot in Portland, OR this morning...

SPLC has been relatively quiet lately.  Relatively being a relative term, of course. I haven't seen Mark Potok on television much, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention. SPLC may have been relatively quiet, but it has been busy maligning the Tea Party movement  as usual, as...

Although the Florida courts have denied Allen West's petition for a recount in his district's Congressional race, he may be getting one anyway thanks to a decision by the St. Lucie County Canvassing Board to retabulate all early voting ballots in FL-18. The decision came late last...

UN Watchdog: Iran makes significant nuclear steps How long did we have until the world reached Netanyahu's "red line?" From CNN: Iran has made a significant advancement in its nuclear program with the completion of its underground uranium enrichment facility near the holy city of Qom, according to...

Curious what Vice President Joe Biden's been up to, former chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, as we head toward the fiscal cliff, the situation in Israel is escalating, and the Benghazi terrorist attack remains unaddressed? He's acting on an NBC show "Parks and...

The news of Hostess' impending shutdown in the wake of crippling union strikes has struck a chord with many Americans who can't help but feel a connection with the iconic American dessert. On Twitter, 140 character lamentations were posted from around the country causing the words...