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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


what to make of this either. From John: I'm not sure what to make of this one, other than the drivers (with a handicapped placard) love dogs. I particularly liked the mocking of the "proud parent of an honor student" stickers. ...


The Muslim Brotherhood President of Egypt already had brought the military to heel. Now he is discarding the judiciary: With a constitutional assembly on the brink of collapse and protesters battling the police in the streets here over the slow pace of change, President Mohamed Morsi issued a sweeping...

Here's an image of some Israeli soldiers not happy with the decision not to sent ground troops -- them -- into Gaza, Soldiers spell out critique of Netanyahu as a ‘loser’ for not using ground forces in Gaza: In the survey, for Channel 2 news, 29%...

James Taranto has a great column about how all the left-wing vitriol over the Citizens United case really is just an attempt to maintain the once monopoly power of left-wing corporations over political speech. News flash -- The New York Times is a corporation which protects...

I spent some time as an editor at Regnery Publishing, during which time we published "The Compleated Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin." I always enjoy rereading this account from Benjamin Franklin, which captures the history and the spirit of the American holiday. Instead of a Fast They...

While on a trip to Iowa for the Governor’s 66th birthday, Marco Rubio touched on something very subtle, yet very profound. “The way to turn our economy around is not by making rich people poorer, it’s by making poor people richer,” Rubio said, criticizing President Barack...

Question: When is a college's "diversity program" full of fail? Answer: When a group of liberal students in Massachusetts boycotts it. According to an article by Megan Patoskie, a student at Bard College - Simon's Rock, in The Llama Ledger: Students boycotted the 7th annual Diversity Day on Wednesday,...

for good health and a wonderful family for the help Anne, Bryan, Joel, Tony and Fuzzy have provided at Legal Insurrection for the help Aleister and Leslie have provided at College Insurrection for the words of encouragement I receive daily for readers who keep coming back for more to you...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

No tryptophan induced stupor.  But triggers the gag reflex, almost as much as these bumper stickers. From Peter, taken in Richmond, VA: ...

These scientists must be foot soldiers in the Rebublican War on Women, since they question the need for unfettered mammograms (and free! no co-pay!), Mammograms leading to unnecessary treatment, study finds: The routine use of mammograms has led to more than 1 million women being unnecessarily treated...

Newt Gingrich (h/t @RobGeorge): I think Republican consultants are mostly very stupid. I think they have no education. I think they have no sense of history. ...

Every year, young Jews from all over the world show up in Israel and volunteer to join the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).  Called "lone soldiers," they commit to the same enlistment mandated for most Israelis, male and female, and decades more of reserve duty.  As...

The astoundingly unsurprising news that Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned today reveals far more about the sorry state of our local Chicago democratic leadership than the trite and pathetic story of Jackson Jr.'s downfall. Jackson Jr., son of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who has been AWOL...

Israel and Hamas, via Egypt and the U.S., have reached a "truce."  Via AP: Israel and the Hamas militant group reached a cease-fire agreement Wednesday to end the fiercest round of fighting in nearly four years, promising to halt attacks on each other and ease an...