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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Looks like Democrats' gift horse on Medicare, if it is anything at all which is far from a given, is going to be "means testing": Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) on Friday proposed means testing Medicare benefits as a way to reduce the deficit, an indication that Democrats may...


From Patricia, who along with the rest of us has been feeling a little gloomy: You are sizzlin', Prof! You have indeed upped your game. Liken it. Just sent this to my congressman, Reid Ribble Republican House better not abandon 59,142,004 voters Contact the House leadership and your Representative. ...

Charles Krauthammer has it right in a post at NRO tonight, It’s Nothing But a Power Play: Obama’s objective is to fracture the Republican majority in the House Let’s understand President Obama’s strategy in the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. It has nothing to do with economics or real...

Roger Cohen of The NY Times famously told us in February 2011 (emphasis mine): Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for freedom that installs the Islamists. But this is not 1979, and Egypt’s...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco...

The danger of overplaying one's strong hand....

A video published recently by the California Federation of Teachers and narrated by avowed-socialist Ed Asner gained attention because it showed "rich people" pissing on "poor people." But that is not the real vice of the video.  The video is full of substantive lies, as explained brilliantly...

In February 2011, Roger Cohen of The NY Times demanded that we abandon the phrase "the Arab Street" as a relic of the past which no longer applied, even as crowds in Tunisia surged around a Synagogue shouting ""Jews, remember Khyabar, the army of Mohammed is returning"": Cohen further asserted...

More from Katja: The truck was parked at Costco in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho last Sunday.  I had my camera with me, so I had to get a shot, and then realized that just one wouldn't suffice (and I still may have missed a couple, it seems, though...

Taxes are going up you ungrateful kulaks. Top Marginal Tax Rate Will Exceed 50% in California, New York, and Hawaii in 2013 (h/t Instapundit): This paper compares state-by-state estimates of the top marginal effective tax rates (METRs) on wages, interest, dividends, capital gains, and business income for tax year...

Elizabeth Warren raised more money this cycle than any other congressional candidate (and is Top 5 all time), but is out of cash, in debt, and begging for more money, via The Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren – who knows a thing or two about debt and bankruptcy – disclosed...

One of the greats. I have so many of his albums ...

I'm going to do this the way I did the U.S. presidential election.  Going with my gut. I'm "betting" on (but not rooting for) the Islamists. Unlike the presidential election, I will be right. 'Deadly' clashes at Egypt presidential palace: Supporters of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi attacked opposition protesters...