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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Since Professors Reynolds and Althouse already have linked to it, it won't seem like shameless self-promotion for me to link to Five Bloggers I’d Like To See On FOX News written by Aleister at American Glob: 5. Ed Morrissey Hot Air is one of the best conservative blogs...


an Ithaca bumper sticker I can believe in. Spotted on Stewart Avenue near West Campus: ...

Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and, of late, American Idol fame, found himself on the receiving end of the race card recently: Nicki Minaj is firing back at Steven Tyler over his comments about her and Mariah Carey as the new judges on "American Idol." Tyler, who...

How did I miss this when over 2 million people have viewed it on YouTube since it was posted in September 2011? (Almost) Everything that has gone wrong with this country summed up in one video. Hang on to the conclusion for the "surprise" ending. ...

Earlier this week I received an email from a friend (and former colleague) who teaches at Stanford.  The email, containing a link to an column, had been forwarded several times before reaching him and arrived in my inbox complete with a good dozen endorsements...

I've tried to lay a little low on Elizabeth Warren lately, saving my strength for when she gets sworn in and the entire media covers up her false claim to be Native American, among other things. I was provoked (yes, provoked!) into posting today by these highlighted words in a column by Robert Kuttner at The American Prospect, The Importance of Elizabeth Warren:
It isn’t just that Warren is a resolute progressive. It’s that she knows so much about the financial industry, from her years as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the TARP, and before that as one of the leading scholars of bankruptcy and consumer abuses. And it’s that she’s incorruptible, as well as very smart... ... There are still a handful of senators who are both resolute progressives and effective legislators.... But there used to be many, many more. With Warren, we will get one of the best.
Incorruptible?  She cheated during her career by listing herself as Native American for employment purposes despite knowing she had no basis for claiming that status and didn't meet the definition of Native American.  That definition almost certainly would have been on some if not all of the forms she signed, dating back to the mid-to-late 1980s when she first started claiming the status.  Not surprisingly, the progressive champion of transparency for others will not release those records.  The progressive champion of accountability also has not acknowledged, much less apologized for, her misconduct, instead grossly exaggerating if not making up irrelevant family lore as a cover-up.  Funny, given that Warren now claims being Native American was a fundamental part of who she and her family were, how is it she waited until she was in her late 30's and climbing the law professor ladder before she claimed that status, and even then only for employment purposes?  How is it this proud alleged Native American never, ever, associated with Native Americans much less did anything to help Native Americans? How is it that this progressive alleged Native American refused to meet even with other progressive Native Americans at the Democratic National Convention? Warren's misappropriation of a Native American identity for career purposes apparently means nothing to progressives, which is ironic considering how frequently progressives use the Native American experience as a tool for demonizing the country. The progressive deification of Elizabeth Warren has started. The only thing that stands in the way is the truth.

Peter Ferrara at Forbes, Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts, examines the propaganda perpetrated for a decade by the media and Democrats about the Bush tax cuts: Because so many major media institutions, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, have...

In case you missed it. Things Jersey college student starts 24/7 condom delivery service Cornell researcher — Casual teen hookups increase risk of depression three-fold UC Berkeley honored for diversity activism, sexual scholarship, and inclusion The buzz at U. California–Merced is their special sex toy program Rutgers School of Law Newark...

From frequent photographer Ulises: Student driver and going by the sticker on the rear window the owner is a student voter. Taken in Pikesville, MD ...

This is one of those "we're really deep into their heads" type stories. Sudan is furious that a large missile factory run by Iran was blown up, presumably by Israel. Sudan has captured the intelligence agent responsible for surveillance, or so it says, via The Independent, Meet operative...

Given the news, that could refer to several different issues. But I mean it with regard to Syria, where almost everyone seems to view Assad's days are numbered, but no one seems to be sure how many days.  With Iran and Hezbollah at this side, Assad...

Just breaking, via The Hill: The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will hear a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) — the federal law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The court also agreed to hear a...

There are no figures more unfairly attacked by the left than the Koch brothers. Power Line has an extensive write up on the demonization of the Koch brothers by Think Progress and other left-wing groups, and we have delved into the subject as well. One of the...

From Molly Ball at The Atlantic, Sorry, Democrats: 4 Ways Progressives Are About to Have Their Hopes Dashed: Ever since Election Day, the left has been riding high. Not only did President Obama and Democrats across the country win big on Nov. 6, the president has...

John Boehner just held a press conference.  I didn't see it (video now available, embedded below) but the reports are that there is no progress, Obama is still playing Obama. Via Business Insider: In a short, approximately four-minute press conference Friday morning, House Speaker John Boehner said...

Jews have been under seige and attack in the Swedish city of Malmö for years as leftist policitians turned a blind eye or cooperated in anti-Israeli agitation by Islamists and other pro-Palestinian groups.  See my prior post, Malmö Syndrome.  It is a phenomenon spreading across...