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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Via Fox News: A top State Department official acknowledged Thursday that cables warning of serious security concerns at the U.S. compound in Benghazi went to department headquarters – and possibly to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s office – in the months leading up to the deadly...


Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA, conducted a press conference today. He did not back down on the issue of gun control. He ripped into the media, politicians, the culture and the failure to protect our children. LaPierre called for a police officer in every school, and pledged NRA resources and members for training and implementation. The line of the press conference was ""The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." The press conference was interrupted twice by Code Pink Needless to say, Twitter went crazy. Here are some of the more restrained tweets:

Fiscal cliff? Well that last one might have the post office stumped. A failure to reach a compromise this year just might have big implications for the struggling United States Postal Service. It's possible that the nearly $20 billion in savings could be part of a fiscal...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.   Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

A view of another side of the vehicle featured yesterday, photographed by Jon in Georgia. I finally was able to focus on one of the stickers, and it's quite correct. And says a lot about how we let it all go so wrong.  ...

Just flashed across the screens was that the final vote on the tax portion of so-called Plan B had been cancelled tonight because John Boehner did not have enough votes. What a mess. You don't go there unless you are certain you can get there. Plan C, The...

In the days after I reported here on the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, the gun control debate has raged. The first gun control argument was leveled, quite literally, before the deceased children and adults were even removed from the school. Indeed, in laying the groundwork...

Can you blame him? From NBC news (h/t Hot Air): Newark Mayor Cory Booker says he will not challenge New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in next year's gubernatorial race and will instead explore a run for U.S. Senate in 2014. Booker, in a video posted to his YouTube page...

A follow up to Hopeless in Rhode Island. Boston talk radio host Michael Graham writes, DON’T Run, Scott, Don’t Run! Actually, I have no problem with Scott Brown running in the special election we all expect to have in a few months after John Kerry becomes Secretary...

John Robitaille is the type of moderate Republican we constantly are told is needed to win over centrist Democrats and independents. But it's not true in Rhode Island and many other blue states. There are not enough centrist Democrats or independents willing to  consider moderate Republicans in...

I agree with this assessment by Erick Erickson: Republicans in Congress intend to vote today on Plan B, John Boehner’s fall back plan on the fiscal cliff. The President says he will veto it. In other words, the Republicans are going to go on record that they will...

The first American killed in the Afghan war, on November 25, 2001. I’ve told his story before (also here), but it is worth remembering every year. As we just finished Hanukkah and approach Christmas, we also remember the others featured previously at Legal Insurrection, Jonathan Daniel Porto, U.S....

I'm overwhelmed. I can't zero in on any one bumper sticker. It worked. From Jon, taken at the Perimeter Mall in Atlanta/Dunwoody, Georgia, with images of the other sides of the vehicle to follow: Here is a mini-van tesselated with bumper stickers. Methinks these stickers may be serving a functional...

You've heard about Erik Loomis, the University of Rhode Island assistant professor of history who launched an almost psychotic, foul-mouthed Twitter tirade against the NRA, accusing it of being a terrorist organization, of complicity in and criminal culpability for murder, and a host of other invectives...

The New York Times today ran a demeaning Op-Ed about Tim Scott, the Republican Congressman from South Carolina who was just appointed to the seat being vacated by Jim DeMint. The Op-Ed was written by U. Penn. Political Science Professor Adolf L. Reed Jr.,  The Puzzle of Black...