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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


More headlines for Elizabeth Warren demanding that someone be prosecuted for something. But there's a catch. She's making headlines, once again, by asking questions of witnesses who cannot possibly answer them because they have no jurisdiction to implement criminal prosecutions, Warren starts taking on banks and regulators (emphasis...


Last week. the Alabama legislature passed a bill approving school choice in a speedy series of votes that, according to one report, left the Senate "in chaos" when the Democrats realized what had happened. In reaction to being out-gamed, Democrats in the state House and...

The state of the Secretaries of State One of John Kerry's first acts in office as Secretary of State was a good one. Lee Smith writes in John Kerry Roasts Turkey: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not a man who minces words. He has called...

Officer, he was about 6'2", brown hair, blue eyes, refused to Coexist, told me to make his day. From commenter Henry Hawkins: Hah! The Perfesser might like this. It's a different sort of 'coexist' bumper sticker I stumbled across on eBay. Could be a case of mistaken idenity, he's...

Is what greeted me when I walked in the door tonight. And for once, she wasn't talking about me. "What the hell are McCain and Graham doing? I'm disgusted."...

Very strange. Local police are quoted as saying they have identified two students possibly connected to the rash of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay writings on campus, but were uncertain as to their motives. As detailed yesterday, the Oberlin administration is not willing to talk about it, to...

In no particular order: Exposing, Once Again, the Old Failed Republican Guard and hastening their political demise. Exposing, Once Again, the Old Failed Democratic Guard The Guardian: Democrats Shamefully Silent on Obama Administration’s Assertion of Right to Assassinate Americans on U.S. Soil Rand Paul carried out a historic 13-hour filibuster of dronemaster-in-chief...

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's 12-hour filibuster of John Brennan's nomination yesterday was so outstanding because brought people representing the entire spectrum of political belief together to defend constitutional due process rules. As a Palin Democrat, I would like to make an observation. As I conduct much of...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. ...

Those "apartheid" buses A number of British publications recently featured articles about some new Israeli bus lines devoted to transporting Arab residents of Judea and Samaria into Israel. These publications have outrageously called the buses, "apartheid" buses. Lori Lowenthal Marcus lays out some of the background (and...

Rand Paul's filibuster of John Brennan yesterday, which went on for over 12 hours, was a phenomenon.  He was joined at various times by Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ron Wyden, and late in the night, Tim Scott, Ron Johnson and others. As the screenshots...

Every time I see a car with a War is not the answer bumper sticker, I try to catch up and ask the driver, “What’s the question?”  Because if the question is, “How many feet in a mile?” then it’s true that the answer is...

Rand Paul is the civil libertarian hero of progressives, libertarians, and all people who care about the government being able to summarily execute an American on American soil who does not pose a threat of imminent substantial violence without due process of law. For the past...

This is a follow-up to our posts about Prisoner X. Our resident reader from Down Under s_dog sent me this link to Andrew Bolt's blog, An Israeli tragedy, an Australian silence: Greg Sheridan dismisses conspiracy theories in the Ben Zygier case, following the report released by Foreign...

There have been numerous reported instances at Oberlin College of writings scrawled on campus using racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay language.  That backdrop led to a shut-down of classes and mass gatherings of students when there was a reported sighting of someone in a Klan outfit, which turned...

Two of the Republican Senators most demonized by the liberal media, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, are doing the job liberal politicians and media refuse to do out of loyalty to Obama. From Mediaite: On Tuesday, the Department of Justice sent shockwaves through the nation when Attorney...