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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


From Ben: On the left coast this little cultural tit for tat has been developing for a couple years. First there was So Cal. Meaning Southern California. As in, that's So Cal. Then Nor Cal for Northern. And now we have No Cal with the the state of...


Robin Kelly, one of the leading Democrats running in the congressional special election primary to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr., is under fire this week after it was revealed that an internal investigation by the State Treasurer's Inspector General recommended she be disciplined. In response to this...

this morning, Sequester — already the biggest lie of 2013. Rush says it this way, For the First Time in My Life, I Am Ashamed of My Country: ...

It's stuff like this, Rick Scott’s Big Reversal: Governor Rick Scott expressed his support this afternoon for expansion of Florida’s Medicaid program, describing the decision as a choice between “having Floridians pay to fund this program in other states while denying health care to our citizens...

It's hard to believe it's only been about three weeks since we launched The goal was, and remains, to bring together in one place the wealth of research conducted during the Senate campaign by numerous blogs and newspapers on Elizabeth Warren's background, and then to update and expand...

On the very short drive to work this morning, I heard an interview on local AM 870 radio with the Tompkins County town administrator. The radio host kept trying to scare everyone about the Sequester cuts, repeatedly asking how it would affect people in Tompkins County.  The...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

If you were up at 5:44 a.m. Eastern this morning (I wasn't) you would have been there at the very moment when David Gerstman's first post at Legal Insurrection went live, I said, “Hi.” She said, “Yeah, I guess I am.” You may have known David...

The "Hi" in the title should clue you in, this is my welcome post. I'm David, the newest blogger at Legal Insurrection. For those who don't know me, I used to blog as Soccer Dad. After I retired from blogging at the end of 2010, Prof Jacobson...

This infographic was forwarded to me by a reader. I thought it was pretty good. It picks up on a theme I have written about before, Finding common ground in limited government — I am the NRA and EFF. Source: Government Bullies: 5 Ways Americans are Bullied by...

Never let it be said that Tea Party people were not game for a challenge. The American Thinker contributor Tara Servatius reported on a poll that shows Hispanic Americans are fans of Big Government: What drives Hispanic voters is simple, and it was captured with shocking clarity...

As noted earlier, Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty this morning to criminal conspiracy for misusing campaign funds for personal purposes. We just received the official Plea Agreement and Statement of Offense. Here are the signature pages, the full documents are at the links above. ...

Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty this morning in federal court to a criminal conspiracy charge. The details are just coming out of what happened in court, via NBC News: Former Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. on Wednesday pleaded guilty in federal court to misusing hundreds of thousands...

It has been a long time since the name Angelo Carusone has graced these pages. Carusone is the go-to guy at Media Matters for organizing boycotts and secondary boycotts against people with whom Media Matters disagrees, with Rush Limbaugh as the prime example. Carusone's efforts were documented...

Guy Cecil is the Democratic strategist who was the hero of the 2012 Senate strategy which resulted in Democrats not only holding the Senate, but picking up two seats.  He will return in 2014. Cecil, it's worth noting, points out what people like Kathleen Parker refuse to...