Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty this morning in federal court to a criminal conspiracy charge.
The details are just coming out of what happened in court, via NBC News:
Former Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. on Wednesday pleaded guilty in federal court to misusing hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds.
Jackson acknowledged the charges against him, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and false statements, and agreed to plead guilty per a plea deal he signed and was filed last week.
The charges require a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of $250,000 and an order of restitution. Because Jackson accepted responsibility, he is elligible for a lesser sentence of between 46 to 57 months and a fine between $10,000 to $100,000.
“I’m not bound by the sentencing guidelines,” Judge Robert Wilkins said, noting he cannot go beyond the maximum of 5 years. “The sentencing guidelines are advisory, and they are something I am bound to consider.”
This is Jackson Jr.’s first public appearance since taking medical leave last summer for treatment of bi-polar disorder. He entered the courtroom holding hands with his wife, former Chicago Ald. Sandi Jackson, who also is expected to plead guilty to falsifying her tax returns and reporting less income than she made. Others in the court include his father, Rev. Jesse Jackson; brothers Jonathan and Yusef; sister, Santita; and Sandi Ja’s sister Tina.
When asked if Jackson Jr. whether his hospitalization for bi-polar disorder affected his ability to understand the charges, he responded, “I fully understand the consequences of my actions.
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According to The Chicago Tribune, sentencing is not expected for several weeks.

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Wouldn’t it be nice to also get that shakedown artist Jesse Sr. and put him in the same predicament.
Still not the top-layer crooks in Cheecaga. I bet dad made him stand up, rather than running. Too embarrassing for the fambly.
Regardless of what made him confess, this is what real accountability looks like. When you take responsibility for your own actions, you actually tend to get some leniency. Amazing that.
If only Hillary would take the same responsibility for her actions over Benghazi, and the rest of the Administration to boot for that matter as well as Fast and Furious.
It was reported that in turning down his right to a trail he said “I have no interest in wasting the taxpayers’ time or their money”. Good grief Junior, you’ve wasted millions in taxpayer money over the years, why stop now?
Illustrating Chicagoland Idiocy, Mayhem and Stupidity at
To the Liberals this is a badge of honor. Somehow JJJr. will be able to use this as a stepping stone. Wonder who will get 11th hour deals from this President?
The Man takes down another helpless minority. (You watch, some lib pundit somewhere will pitch this).
I’ve already read the pitch that this is a result of his bipolar disorder (aka his flimsy alibi).
The piece I read said he wasn’t interested in money, he was only interested in acquiring things in an OCD kind of way.
Poor, tortured soul. There will be no rainbows today.
Also, Junior didn’t learn from Corzine and others that the more you steal the less the punishment.
[…] » Jesse Jr. pleads guilty – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]
OK. So he plead to the charges. Is he now eligible for a Czarship in the White House?
JJJ: Chicago style “caped” crusader.
looks like the wife is a little miffed he ratted her out
Can you say, Presidential Pardon?
When asked if Jackson Jr. whether his hospitalization for bi-polar disorder affected his ability to understand the charges, he responded, “I fully understand the consequences of my actions.
Bayh-polah? Whud you say? Nah, Dat wuz a show, mah bro. We wuz jus’t ampin’ de sympathy while de charges whuz being ‘gosheeayted!