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There are many news reports about the preliminary decision issued by Judge Reed O’Connor in the Northern District of Texas in a lawsuit brought by ICE agents challenging the Obama administration’s administrative DREAM provisions which direct Homeland Security not to commence removal proceedings as to people who...

1) Friedman resurrects “Fayyadism” Some time ago, Thomas Friedman coined the term “Fayyadism,” a concept that, according to Nathan Brown, never had a chance. Why Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad never had a chance to meet the high expectations placed on him — Foreign...

It started with Bill Sparkman, the part-time Census worker who went missing and then was found dead, setting off an avalanche of mainstream media and left-blogosphere accusations that he was the victim of anti-government “right-wing” hate.  It turned out that Sparkman killed himself, but there...

There has not been a lot learned since last night. At a press conference this morning almost nothing was learned, except that the investigators seem desperate for information and are calling on the public to turn in videos and photos. I’m embedding the Twitter feed...

1) Bursting the balloon When I saw the following headline at the Baltimore Jewish Times I was worried, ” J Street Carved Out A Place In The U.S.-Israel Advocacy.” The article, written by managing editor, Maayan Jaffe starts by faithfully recounting all of J-Streets claims....

As noted yesterday, the widespread attention to the mainstream media’s news blackout on the Kermit Gosnell trial evoked a pushback at with the claim that “feminist” writers had written about the horrors, and therefore according to Irin Carmon, There is no Gosnell coverup. That gave...

1) How to fight asymmetric warfare Once again Charles Enderlein and Philipe Karsenty are back in court. Enderlein was the reporter who created the story of Mohammed al-Dura. Karsenty is the media critic who had the temerity to question the much honored “journalist.” Back in...

With each passing day, the testimony at the trial of Philadelphia abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell gets more gruesome — events which shock the conscience. From The Daily Mail in Britain: [Stephen] Massof, who is awaiting sentencing after  pleading guilty to the murder of two  newborns...

Machine candidate Robin Kelly defeated conservative Paul McKinley in the special election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr., in Congress that was held yesterday in Illinois’ Second District. While McKinley was able to win 2/3 of the counties included in the district, the city of Chicago...

1) Egyptian plagues Last week Zvi Mazel wrote in the Jerusalem Post (h/t Leslie Eastman) In a remarkable and enduring show of unity, non-Islamic opposition parties under the banner of the National Salvation Front are boycotting the regime until their demands – canceling the Islamic...

Instapundit linked to Jeffrey Goldberg’s tribute to Michael Kelly, an editor of The Atlantic who was killed in Iraq 10 years ago. Goldberg makes an observation that is apt: I miss Michael a lot, not least because he was one of the few funny people in...

1) Meanwhile in Egypt The New York Times is reporting Egyptians Struggle as Wary Tourists Stay Away: Tourism plummeted in 2011 with the fall of President Hosni Mubarak and the unrest that followed. Some tourists have started to return, but officials say they are mostly...

Was traveling most of the day and then meetings. I hear Syria has gone from worse to worser, and Egypt is not far behind. By morning Eastern time we may know if Cyprus implodes financially. Any good news? Tomorrow night is the first night of Passover. ...

1) The apology The Washington Post reported Obama ends Israel visit by brokering end to dispute with Turkey: Prodded by President Obama, Israel and Turkey agreed Friday to end a three-year rift caused by a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish ship bound for...