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President Obama is in the Mideast, geographically not all that far from where Bashar Assad may be using chemical weapons against his own people. Verification of that would be a “red line” for the administration to get involved militarily—something the president wants to avoid after...

1) Is there any hope left for Mideast honesty in the New York Times A few people have pointed out that I missed an op-ed by Rashid Khalidi, Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? One paragraph really stuck out. Until 1991 most Palestinians, although...

One of the iconic “proofs” of man-made global warming is the infamous “hockey stick” graph”. Skeptics questioned the statistics and data used to generate the graph.  So, as Powerline’s John Hinderaker noted, “a group of climate alarmists headed by Shaun Marcott, a geologist at Oregon State,...

1) When elephants crash land Recently, I brought up an example of how Professor Barry Rubin handled a mistake. First he admitted it. Then he explained the forces involved. His behavior showed a few things. 1) He is serious about what he has written. 2)...

The Ranting of Levine Last week the New York Times published an essay by a philosophy professor, James Levine On Questioning the Jewish State. I won’t quote from the essay, but here are some of the responses. Elder of Ziyon argues: In fact, if you...

1) More fallout over the Samira Ibrahim selection Robert Mackey has established himself as an anti-Israel activist. Following last week’s revelation that Egyptian activist Samira Ibrahim had been making antisemitic and anti-American comments, Mackey was back in business. He asked, Samuel Tadros, the scholar who...

The state of the Secretaries of State One of John Kerry’s first acts in office as Secretary of State was a good one. Lee Smith writes in John Kerry Roasts Turkey: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not a man who minces words. He...

Brian Leiter of the University of Chicago Law School regularly attacks other law professor bloggers in particularly nasty terms.  I didn’t even know who Leiter was when an academic warned me that one day Leiter would target me, and that prediction came true. Leiter has an obsession with “crazed...

There is a growing consensus that Obama overplayed his hand in the absurd fear-mongering about the immediate impact of the sequester. While Republican’s did their own share of fear-mongering as to military cuts, and thereby played into Obama’s hand, it still was Obama’s political hand...

A reader forwarded me the link to this Michael Barone article from October 11, 2008 (the day before the first post at Legal Insurrection), The Coming Obama Thugocracy: I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your  neighbors,” Barack Obama...

Andrew Breitbart’s mother died last night, In Memoriam: Arlene Mae Breitbart, 1925-2013. One year ago today, at 9:35 a.m., I posted the news which had just begun spreading throughout the blogosphere: Andrew Breitbart dead Very sad news to report, just breaking.  Andrew Breitbart is dead....