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The Guardian today unveiled the identity of the individual who provided National Security documents that sparked a firestorm of media attention and scrutiny of how the agency collects and utilizes the intelligence it collects from a multitude of commercial sources. From the Guardian: The...

1) Talkin’ Turkey Claire Berlinski provides the recent background for the foment going on in Turkey: Of late, almost every sector of the electorate has felt unease about one part or another of Erdoğan’s agenda. Restrictive new alcohol legislation, rammed through parliament, as usual, with...

Day two in the military trial of Bradley Manning continued today. While much of the day’s events are reported to have focused on chain-of-custody issues and other evidentiary matters, one notable highlight was the testimony of the man who first alerted authorities to the extensive...

I mentioned the other day how the fight in Syria wasn’t going quite as easily as many predicted for Hezbollah, with it suffering heavy losses even trying to take a modestly-sized border city, Will Qusayr be Hezbollah’s Stalingrad? As of the latest reports, rebels are...

An article today at The Tower discloses a rough, handdrawn map allegedly by Mahmoud Abbas, refecting a peace offer extended by Ehud Olmert when he was Prime Minister of Israel, EXCLUSIVE: The Deal the Palestinians Rejected, The History That Was Never Made: In a stunning...

Erdogan ♥s Ocalan? Last week Soner Cagaptay and James Jeffers asked Can Obama Save Turkey From a Syrian Quagmire? in the New York Times: The Syrian war has also awakened Turkey’s once dormant Marxist militant groups. These groups vehemently oppose any government policies they see...

Oh come on, all you. Really. How could anyone think differently? Anyone? Buhler? John Kass, IRS scandal a reminder of how I learned about The Chicago Way (h/t @bryanjacoutot): I didn’t understand it all back then, but I understand it now. Once there were old...