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Jim Matheson has been the Harry Houdini of modern politics, a Democrat surviving in a heavily Republican Utah district which became even more Republican after the 2010 redistricting. But he still beat Mia Love in 2012. By a few hundred votes. In Utah. With Romney...

The latest development. Senate again rejects latest House CR proposal. Same vote. Party line 54-46. — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 1, 2013 Senate says no to CR conferees. Next step: negotiations with empty chairs. #shutdowncity — Rick Klein (@rickklein) October 1, 2013 "Good day for...

As of this writing, it’s unclear where things stand. There is a vague offer by Vladimir Putin agreed to by Syria to turn over chemical weapons, but Russia opposes a binding U.N. resolution to that effect and the details are to be worked out. Putin...

The jury in the Zimmerman case reached a not guilty verdict this evening.  Legal Insurrection is following the reactions online as well as from demonstrators who have been outside the courthouse since deliberations first began. This post contains press conference videos of key people connected...

Shocker? She’s been getting stranger by the day, including her claim that running against Mitch McConnell was like being raped. Democrats were going to swoon over Judd, and try to turn her into the next Elizabeth Warren. Who will they swoon around now, or are...

… The blame game begins. We noted here on Friday that the bad economy is already dialed in for 2013, but that President Obama would likely seek to blame congressional Republicans and the fiscal cliff fiasco for the impending economic woes. As expected, the finger...

UPDATE: Both bills (for private and public sectors) passed the House. 5:45 p.m. Bills have been signed into law: Snyder: I’ve signed these bills #righttowork… — Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) December 11, 2012 “I view this as opporotunity to stand up for Michigan workers. Freedom...

There is no question that Scott Brown won the debate last night. It wasn’t a knock out.  As Howie Carr correctly notes, a man can’t get away with hitting a woman too hard in a debate: When he was pummeling her on the asbestos litigation,...

Today some on the Right conceded that Obama’s the one with the “cool” factor. Does that mean the Republicans need to cede all marketing savvy, though? Compare the RNC and DNC convention websites and ask yourself what caption you’d write under the images. The splash...