As you know, Elizabeth Warren has been caught in a series of at best misleading and at worst false responses since The Boston Herald first broke the story in late April that Harvard Law promoted her as Native American in the mid-to-late 1990s.
First she played dumb and said she didn’t know why. But over the course of several weeks digging by bloggers and newspapers punctured Warren’s story, and revealed or forced Warren to admit she listed herself as Native American to get on a list of “Minority Law Teachers” in the mid-1980s to mid-1990s, that she informed both Penn Law and Harvard Law that she was Native American for federal reporting purposes, and that she was on a list at Harvard during her “visiting year” of “Women of Color in Legal Academia.”
Genealogical tracing of Warren’s alleged Cherokee ancestry by a group of Cherokees led by Twila Barnes has shown that Warren has no Cherokee heritage. The documentation and research has been posted for all to see. Anger at Warren extends beyond Cherokees.
Yet Warren persists in the claim to this day, raising bizarre defenses such as her Aunt Bea told her her ancestors had high cheekbones “like all the Indians” and that her parents supposedly had to elope because her mother was 1/16 Native American.
As you know, a group of four Cherokee women including Barnes traveled to Boston this week to seek a meeting with Warren, who has refused to do so. The Boston press has been all over it, including The Herald, The Globe, and Fox25 among many others.
Here is the Boston Herald’s interview:
Rather than meet with the Cherokee women and prove her heritage or apologize, Warren’s response has been to create a shiny object for the press to focus on, a “right wing extremist“:
Warren’s camp responded late today with this statement: “The people of Massachusetts are concerned about their jobs, the future for their kids, and the security of their retirement. Scott Brown would rather talk about anything else. The out-of-state group in question is being promoted and supported by a right wing extremist who is on the record supporting and contributing money to Scott Brown. It is past time we moved on to the important issues facing middle class families in Massachusetts – even if Scott Brown won’t.”
The Warren statement does not identify the “right wing extremist,” but her campaign has been feeding my name to dutiful scriveners at places such as CBS Boston, who use old information from the Brown-Coakley race:
Sorry Professor Warren, you created the problem and you own it. No one else.
You could have put this issue to rest early on, but you and you alone chose a campaign of deception and hiding, in the hope it would go away. Now you hope to distract from your own failings with yet another diversion.
So you can keep flashing that shiny object, but you cannot make the issue go away until you come clean, release all records, and stop pointing the finger at others.
The truth will out.
And all the millions you pocket when you go to Hollywood or Wall Street cannot change that.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Wow, you’d think a woman who won four Oscars when she was a Hollywood star would be able to self-finance a medium-sized state’s senatorial campaign.
Put the Cheetos-orange “LI” fingerprints mark on her … ala Zorro!
Her Cherokee name is Ti-ki-pah-nah-do-lon-ni, which in English means Lies Like Bearskin Rug.
Maybe, Lies on a bearskin rug ?
More like Fulla-Lotsa-Poo-Poo
This is terrific. 😀 Boost that partisan professor’s soap box!
Ya’ know, maybe, just maybe Lizzie meant her other cheek bones, ’cause she sure has made an ass of herself..
LOL. Professor Jacobson is now a right-wing extremist? Is that because he believes in the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law, basic decency?
I’m not surprised that a liberal phony “woman of color” like Warren finds those values “extreme.” But I have a feeling she’s going to be surprised in a few months to find out just how many American voters share the professor’s “extremist” views.
“Is that because he believes in the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law, basic decency?”
Well, duh! Of course.
LI supports Scott Brown = Elizabeth Coakley Warren isn’t lying … or something
BTW, lovely person on the right in blue, umm, maybe the next interview you could wear something a bit more loose, ’cause those buttons ever pop, you’ll put a few eyes out.
Don’t get me wrong, typical male pig, I like the look, but then I’m at a safe distance. 🙂
She’s stuck. She must keep up with the lie. Admit the truth and her campaign is over.
Woo-hoo!! “Right-Wing Extremist”!! Embrace it and put it on a t-shirt, say, something along the lines of “Right-Wing Extremist – Powered by Legal Insurrection”. I’d probably get one 😉
Even though CBS is totally in the tank for her, they couldn’t help but play half-breed! With friends like that………
Twila Barnes is fiesty. I was cracking up when she said she has no plans to let Warrn off the hook and that she’s going to come back to Boston again with even more authentic Cherokees next time.
Pass the popcorn. Or Cheetos. Or the “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook.
No such thing as bad publicity – unless you’re a high cheek-boned huckster perhaps. She wants to blame you for her lack of integrity now? Well at least she is pointing people to the place they can find the evidence Warren’s electoral problems are 31/32 of her own making.
As luck would have it, I ran across a bit of proof today Warren’s problems are not a right-wing conspiracy. Charlie Cook of Cook Political Report hosted a panel on CSPAN today previewing the 2012 elections. At the 50 minute mark Tom Davis (R) and Martin Frost (D) discuss the MA Senate election. Though Frost thinks Obama might have large enough coattails to sweep Warren to election he concedes she has a “little 1/32 Cherokee problem.” If you watch the entire 90 minute panel Frost is no squish Dem either and Warren is the only candidate he has trouble defending. Charlie Cook breaks the tie concluding
Davis makes the point Ragspierre has made here a few times that Warren suffers from a “Town vs Gown” issue and she has clearly not even tried to go for the Independent vote. Counting on coattails from a massive Obama win also ignores the fact that Obama is bleeding middle class white voters like a one-episode extra on the series “True Blood.” Good luck with those coattails Prof Warren, you are going to need them.
This is how Warren pursues the independent vote:
She said this back in October when she was considered a Senate shoo-in and promising Presidential material. (Btw, I haven’t seen any Hicks for Elizabeth stickers here in semi-rural central MA.)
It’s not surprising that she’s no longer a shoo-in, but this remains Massachusetts.
Hicks for Elizabeth??????? That has to be a runner-up for most obnoxious statements since Obama’s bid for the “bitter clinger” vote.
How dare she diss a White/Jewish Minority Law Teacher!
It’s not a White/Jewish minority thing, it’s a Harvard/Cornell thing.
Numerous lies followed by an ample dose of head-in-the-sand obfuscation by the guilty party who now accuses the prof of being an extremist. Well… An extremist who doesn’t lie and whose only transgression was uncovering the truth.
Take heart Professor.. Your adversary has only herself to blame but that isn’t the democrat way is it?
I doubt that she’ll ever come clean since she obviously enjoys wallowing in the sewer known as the democrat party…
1. Congratulations!
2. The out-of-state group in question is being promoted and supported by a right wing extremist who is on the record supporting and contributing money to Scott Brown.
LI regulars know that our host has cooled distinctly toward Scott Brown ever since he was unable to interview the Senator. No, Elizabeth, the issue isn’t any great appreciation of Brown; the issue is horror that someone like you might attain high national office.
3. (And iirc the “right-wing extremist” has blogged favorably about at least one RI Democrat politician who seriously grapples with fiscal problems in that state.)
4. One would think that a Harvard professor’s campaign staff would not overlook the point about Brown/Jacobson in #2. Such a major oversight in research, even oppo research, is, presumably, uncharacteristic of Professor Warren’s body of work in the academy and in government.
5. Bill, I trust that if you wound up a successful practice in securities law, you don’t need your current job; I trust that your colleagues would have your back in a pinch; and I trust that if necessary the conservative academy would have a place for you. But you’re coming to the attention of people who think nothing of destroying the career of somebody who gets in their way.
Be bold, but be prudent.
“#Occupy or Bust!”
..has been her mantra from word go-
(sorry for stepping on your post, jp-something in my eye)
So Professor ,you have new digs. Rent controlled ,courtesy of owner & Harvard U. Special deal , Down side ,you have to live with alot of vacuous clutter lieing about. Odd location , living rent free? ,lnside Lizzy Warrens head.
Wow. You just can’t make this shit up. This White woman is ridiculous. I’m thinking I need to find the first couple of Cherokee’s Facebook page, so I can drop them a ten. I hope they do show up, frequently. I like that they mentioned Elizabeth “just wanted to meet other people like her”.
To many on the left have no morals, no sense of right or wrong.
“The Warren statement does not identify the “right wing extremist,” but her campaign has been feeding my name to dutiful scriveners at places such as CBS Boston”
Congratulation, Professor! 😀
The P’fessor wins the prestigious Emmanuel Goldstein Award, presented by the National All-purpose Conservative Scapegoat Association. This award is presented in honor of the recipient being accused of something without regard to proof, fact or practicality, by certifiable, Left-wing nutjob.
Take a bow, Doc! (pretend you’re POTUS meeting a foreign leader)
Sometimes its just so good ya need a cigarette afterwards… this is one of those times
[…] Professor Jacobson: Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me) Rather than meet with the Cherokee women and prove her heritage or apologize, Warren’s response […]
You see, minority setasides are like the roads, they are there to be used by everybody .. including those who did nothing to help build the road.
“… her Aunt Bea told her her ancestors had high cheekbones “like all the Indians”…”
This phrase struck me as odd the first time I read it. What if a conservative had said it? Is it not as racist as saying, “…her Aunt Bea told her her ancestors had wide noses “like all the Africans”” had she been 1/32 black?
[…] Legal Insurrection The lefties like to dish it out but can’t take it […]
“Right wing extremist” is quickly becoming the new insult of the minute; the new “terrorist.”
She left out “terrorist” and “racist”
This is fantastic. Prof is now a Serial Pest . What a feeling!
I recall an old saying about never getting into an argument with a person who buys his ink by the barrel — as in, don’t get into a public fight with a newspaper columnist.
How much does Prof. Jacobson pay for his ink? A lot less than even the feistiest columnist at the Globe or the Herald. He’s having as much or more impact in this particular race.
And he’s only 1/32 honey badger.
Nice going, Prof. Warren. Keep calling attention to your own personal failings as the election moves into the fall. That’s the ticket.
You mad, Liz? Your jimmies sound rustled.
Elizabeth Warren is blaming you for pointing out her lies? That is the best hat tip you ever got Professor Jacobson. Awesome!
Meanwhile, farther south, another is showing her (lack of) character: Separated at Birth: Angela Corey and …?
Sigh. I had something to
say. At least I think I did. Instead, I
just can’t stop laughing!
Thank you. Please keep up the good work.
[…] Read this stunning report from William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection. […]
Remember back in olden times when “extremist” referred to someone willing to resort to violence regardless of his political viewpoints? Now “extremist” refers to someone who strongly holds a viewpoint, especially a conservative one. It seems to me that we need to educate people about what an extremist actually is, because if we fail to remind people of that, we run the risk of people getting the idea that violence is not extremism as long as it isn’t conservatives perpetrating it.
Food for thought.
Sadly we’re already at that point. A few days after the Arizona shooting, my Dem congressional Rep screeched out the “right wing violent rhetoric” line in the local paper. He had just gotten back into office in a close race too, a man characterized by some moderate republicans in Oregon as an honest guy and fair minded person. Nevermind that his first term had showed him to say one thing and vote with everything Pelosi et. al. pushed.
Wow, this woman could be a centerfold for “Proctology Today” magazine.
Next step is for her to accuse Professor Jacobson of hating Native Americans, women of color and law professors.
And the fact that Jacobson IS a law professor would be completely lost on her.
Repeat after me: “I am not a shiny object. I am not a shiny object….”
Professor, I have been relentlessly banging away on twitter on the hastags #MAsen & #MApoli at #CheekBones Lizzy the Fake Indian Democrat for the Senate.
My heritage is 1/4 True American Indian & 3/4 Western European.
My family hid our Indian heritage most of my life due to hard feelings of folks in Texas and Oklahoma dating back to the US Indian wars.
My nation is Chickasaw located near the Texas Oklahoma border.
I am not just outraged by the ongoing and unrepentant Ethnic Fraud of U.S. Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren but also by the dismissive behavior of the Massachusetts Democrat Party who has shown they could care less about Indians and this indignation.
They hear from me constantly on Twitter… and I wont let up.
Exactly, If Warren was a Republican candidate the Democrats wouldn’t ignore it. And if Warren was, the Democrats would have every right to hammer her on the issue.
The dems have tried to use your people. The GOP has largely ignored your people. lf you’re on the eastern end of Oklahoma as l suspect ,you’re in Gods country. l’ve driven trucks thru there. Also one of my major suppliers for decades , Oklahoma Upholstery Supply is in Tulsa. They are salt of the earth people. lt sounds like your family has had cultural difficulties. That you are so grounded in strong values is a testiment to your stock. Keep up the good fight!
OOOO publicity for the blog.
So let’s see she at stage 2? Anger?
first she denied it. then she said she did it but it wasn’t her fault, her mommy made her do it. Now she’s trying to ignore it and getting angry about it.
Next up: bargaining.
Oh the irony, Warren has to face actual Native Americans attacking her family.
This just weird, but considering how loyal Democrats are, it makes sense just to ignore them.
But independents are nearly a third of the registered voters in Massachusetts, and enough of them went for Brown in 2010 for him to win. They are still liberal, of course, but Warren has to make her case.
The bar wasn’t set all that high, but she still can’t seem to clear it on her own limited intellectual power.
Like WC Fields said: “I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they spell my name right”.
You must be doing SOMETHING right, when somebody feels threatened by you printing the truth…
Lanny Davis must be shaking his head about now.
Ms. Warren, I’ve known plenty of Indians, and you, madam, are no Indian.
Hint: Real Indians don’t refer to themselves as ‘Native American’.
I’ve known a few Indians myself, and it’s safe to say that NONE of them had the attitude towards government that Elizabeth Warren has.
The feelings towards government of the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and Ojibwa folks I’ve known could best be characterized as ambivalent and complex. They have good reason to be wary of government programs intended to ‘help’ people, given their history.
They have none of the rah-rah enthusiasm for ‘more government always’ that Elizabeth Warren shows in her statements and actions. Just sayin.
[…] about her phony Cherokee ancestry… She’s going to blame Professor William Jacobson at Legal Inserrection Blog. It’s his […]
I think it’s a mistake for Warren. With all respect, she is “punching down” here, trying to blame her own very public lies on the Professor’s blog. Even liberals have to cringe a bit at that, isn’t it really that she “checked the box” and represented herself as something she isn’t? And not what is said online about it?
Still, it is consistent with her seeing herself as “victim” – why ARE you picking on the poor woman of colour?
“…high cheekbones “like all the Indians”…”
Spoken like a true bigot.
All right, Bill, fess up. How much did you pay her to “out” you?
Right wing extremism with a tenacity and courageousness that’s far superior to normal Cheetos eating.
Right-wing Cheetoist
“Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me)”
Then you must be doing something right……. Keep it up! Fauxcahontas needs to come clean.
[…] Legal Insurrection: Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me) […]
The atmosphere on Planet WashingtonDC cannot support normal life as we know it. There are gases which dull the senses and its intense winds blow away any sense of reality. NASA should organize a rescue mission for those poor souls who live there.
First she played dumb and said she didn’t know why.
Professor, with all due respect I think you’re wrong. I don’t think she was playing.
I would ask Fauxcahontas “how”? (she came to this conclusion) but she would assume that I was simply confirming her claim of being Native American.
“Fauxcahontas” is good but “Pretendian” is much better. The Urban Dictionary defined the term long before this Warren matter. Here’s the first paragraph of the definition:
“A wannabe American Indian. Usually exhibited by white people but blacks do it too. Claims to be 1/4th Native American or a lesser percentage, but usually have no definitive proof of it or of what tribe they’re from (unless it’s Cherokee of course). If such ancestry exists, they tend to exaggerate the very small amount that they have after generations of their family neglecting this heritage.”
Alternate Headline: Warren High ChikBones ( for that must be her tribal name) is getting Breitbart-ed by Legal Insurrection!
OK so there is indisputable evidence that Warren is a liar and should not be a US senator but she is running in Massachusetts!!!! Come on, it’s not like they found a body in her car. Now that would be a problem. OH maybe not.
[…] Legal Insurrection: Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me) […]
Professor, you just made the headlines at Hotair! Good for you for such assiduous reporting on this story!
[…] Legal Insurrection […]
The best compliment in the world is having Elizabeth Warren blame you for her lies. You are just pointing them out. Bravo.
Late to the ball here, Prof…
but I learned you were involved in something PARTISAN…!!!
“I’m shocked, SHOCKED…”
[…] Elizabeth Warren has referred to blogger William Jacobson as an “extremist.” (See: Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at ‘right wing extremist.’) I think it’s time we were clear that actual extremism refers to those who would […]
The funniest thing about this is that, as I read this article, one of the syndicated ads in the left sidebar is from Elizabeth for MA, asking us all to “Wish Elizabeth Warren a Happy Birthday!”
I don’t know about wishing HER a happy birthday, but she’s certainly making all of MY days happy with her bumbling ineptitude and tin-eared sense of entitlement. rarely have I laughed so hard at a “legitimate” political candidate. She’s comedy gold!
Since Professor Jacobson has been labeled an “extremist” by a Democrat, does this mean that some where in the crevices of the government some Fed is sitting at a computer scrutinizing all LI posts?
[…] Jacobson [that evil 'right wing extremist'!] has awarded his Post Of The Day to an excellent dissection of the fairy story […]
It’s not clear how Warren could have laid the issue to rest by coming clean earlier. She can’t come clean, then or now. To come clean is to admit that she’s a fraud, a con-man, a fake, someone who owes her entire career to a false claim of membership in a particularly well-favored grievance group. She’d be dead meat to both proponents and opponents of Affirmative Action. A tough situation to be in, even if well-deserved.
In your post, I could find a response to this accusation:
‘The out-of-state group in question is being promoted and supported by a right wing extremist (you) who is on the record supporting and contributing money to Scott Brown.’
Is that not true?
Just curious…
I don’t believe Legal Insurrection, or Professor Jacobsen are actively “promoting” or “supporting” Twila Barnes (IIRC). I think the most he can be accused of is “cheering them on”, but more accurately – reporting and editorializing in regards to their activities as an interested but objective and disconnected third party.
You know, like the media are SUPPOSED to be.
typo in my post –
meant ‘In your post, I could NOT find a response to this accusation’
Elizabeth Warren fits right in with the Obama Presidency- Obama’s “autobiography” is a fantasy, with fictional characters and fictional events, all to portray Obama as someone he is NOT.
Both Warren and Obama have created histories out of whole cloth, in order to benefit themselves professionally and politically.
Why am I not surprised that our “Wizard of Oz” President has advanced and supported “FAUXAHONTAS?”
Yes, “the people of Massachusetts” are concerned about jobs. They’re also concerned about whether their elected representatives are willing to game the system to benefit themselves. They worry about putting their trust into someone who has demonstrated that she do not warrant it, someone who will hold her own narrow self-interest over the interest of the voters and the public.
[…] Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me)- As you know, Elizabeth Warren has been caught in a series of at best misleading and at worst false responses since The Boston Herald first broke the story in late April that Harvard Law promoted her as Native American in the mid-to-late 1990s.First she played dumb and said she didn’t know why. But over the course of several weeks digging by bloggers and newspapers punctured Warren’s story, and revealed or forced Warren to admit she listed herself as Native American to get on a list of “Minority Law Teachers” in the mid-1980s to mid-1990s, that she informed both Penn Law and Harvard Law that she was Native American for federal reporting purposes, and that she was on a list at Harvard during her “visiting year” of “Women of Color in Legal Academia.”Genealogical tracing of Warren’s alleged Cherokee ancestry by a group of Cherokees led by Twila Barnes has shown that Warren has no Cherokee heritage. The documentation and research has been posted for all to see. Anger at Warren extends beyond Cherokees.Yet Warren persists in the claim to this day, raising bizarre defenses such as her Aunt Bea told her her ancestors had high cheekbones “like all the Indians” and that her parents supposedly had to elope because her mother was 1/16 Native American. […]
[…] […]
Well, to quibble a little, there’s a difference between “ancestory” and “heritage”, which is she claiming?
I have more than 1/32 Scottish ancestory, but I’m not running around in a kilt.
Well, are you specifically contending that said Scottish ancestry permits you to contribute a unique perspective that adds to the diversity at your place of employment? Because that is what Warren essentially did in listing her primary race as “Native American” in school and Department of Labor statistics. There is indeed a distinction between “ancestry” and “heritage,” but the difference is more or less immaterial in this context because she has valid claim to neither. Additionally, she is presently maximizing her relationship to the apparatus of Cherokee culture by asserting that she will be the first Senator from Massachusetts with a Native background, so evidently it constitues an “important issue” for her in specific settings, just not ones that directly involve the people to whom she is so otherwise “proud” to share said background.
Okay. Sounds like the content of what she claimed is best called “heritage”, no matter if she never said that word.
[…] While the left is jumping all over this as a sign of weakness I see just the opposite. If you’ve got a sitting GOP senator unfazed by incurring the inevitable media wrath of the MSM in Massachusetts that tells you where this election is going almost as much as Former Obama Administration Official Elizabeth Warren getting spooked by conservative bloggers. […]
Warren’s cheekbones look pretty high in that second video. Maybe we’re judging her too harshly. If you stick a feather in her hair and squint, I think should could pass as 1/32 Cherokee. Maybe even 1/16.
Dot not feather.
Warren should show up at her next news conference with a dot on her forehead.
“My ancestors are from India. This has all been a big misunderstanding.”
My heart goes out to the Wampanoag professor who was denied a place on the Harvard faculty because of carpetbagger Elizabeth Warren.
As you may know, Wapanoags are indigenous to Cambride MA.
I agree that it’s silly for her to lash out and call you a right wing extremist. You’re no right winger nor extremist; you’re a neoconservative who loves big government and denigrates limited government people such as Ron Paul.
[…] While the left is jumping all over this as a sign of weakness I see just the opposite. If you’ve got a sitting GOP senator unfazed by incurring the inevitable media wrath of the MSM in Massachusetts that tells you where this election is going almost as much as Former Obama Administration Official Elizabeth Warren getting spooked by conservative bloggers. […]
Logically speaking, why on Earth would Scott Brown NOT want to talk about the economy ? You know, the thing run directly into the ground by Democrats in the last 3 years ?
Scott Brown does not need to distract anyone from the economy under the stewardship of his opponents party. That idea is moronic.
[…] intimidating them has been a lengthy one for quite sometime, so it behooves us not to forget that William Jacobson was recently targeted and, as I reported here last year here, Donald Douglas has been for a while. In fact, Tuesday […]