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The mother of all mysteries, making Stuxnet look like a B-grade movie, is unfolding in Israel over Prisoner X. The New York Times has a good summary: The story had all the trappings of a spy thriller: an anonymous prisoner linked to Israel’s secret service, Mossad,...

I really sense that Obama supporters are losing it, completely.  I sense fear in their stupidity. After Big Bird and the contrived “binder” fauxtroversy, they have a new cause:  Tagg Romney threatened to take a swing at Obama when Obama called Tagg’s father a liar....

In yet another solid interview, Dan Bongino outlines his vision for Washinton, D.C. The clip is less than 5 minutes, and I recommend watching it in its entirety, but I thought his response to the question of Obamacare was particularly good. Q. Is the Healthcare...

It has been too long, far too long. 26 years long. To put it in perspective, the last time Maryland was represented by a Republican in the Senate, Ronald Reagan was still plotting his “tear down this wall” moment, Steve Jobs had just been kicked...

It was those damn meteoric expectations, and the failure of those around him, such as the Secret Service agents who visited prostitutes in Colombia, and soldiers in Afghanistan who killed civilians and burned Korans. And that damn Congress: Karl Lemberg, one of thousands who thronged a...

Definitely a contender. Sarah Palin on the Secret Service agent who checked her out: “Well, check this out bodyguard, you’re fired, and I hope his wife kicks his okole and sends him to the dog house long as he’s not eatin’ the dog along with his...

CNN columnist LZ Granderson demanded an arrest: Ted Nugent should be arrested. Not because he doesn’t like Barack Obama but because he got up in front of a group of people and insinuated he would attempt to assassinate Obama if he’s re-elected. Or let’s put...

I’d rather sit in the dark. That’s my sense of today: Secret Service agent scandal gets worse with allegations of cocaine use, and here is a headline which tells us this drama will play out for a while: Escort Recounts Quarrel With Secret Service Agent. Image...

Operation Counterweight is just taking shape for 2012.  Redistricting has slowed down my process of identifying House races. But in the Senate, I’m focused on Richard Mourdock’s primary challenge to Dick Lugar, and Barry Hinckley’s general election challenge to Sheldon Whitehouse. As you know, the theory...

Our Bill of Rights is the foundation of our protections from government intrusion, a bastion of liberty unknown in most of the world. The essence of the Bill of Rights, what defines us as a nation and a citizenry, is captured by the First Amendment...

From NBC News: Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders. The group, the People’s Mujahedin of...

Call me a skeptic (or a shill), but I think I am being more level-headed than those who think last night put Santorum on the fast track. He’s not a limited government guy.  That’s one of the reasons. Advice Santorum should not take.  No matter...