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In an interview airing now on Lebanese OTV television, Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah discusses the Iranian nuclear deal (summary translation via NOW Lebanon): The Iran nuclear deal has significant repercussions. The region’s peoples are the biggest winners from this deal because regional and international...

Ted Cruz is urging Republicans in Congress to fight to defund the ObamaCare Tax train wreck and stated that he feels many in the GOP are too frightened to do so. Apparently, the 1995-1996 shutdowns were such a disaster for the GOP that many “top”...

Keith Koffler at White House Dossier has it exactly right, Obama to Create Mass Organization Devoted to Obama: President Obama will remake his presidential campaign into a massive new movement  devoted to supporting his agenda, an unprecedented move that creates a brand new political organization...

Joe Biden just accused Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan of being liars. How rich is that, coming from a man whose own 1988 campaign for president ended after he was caught plagiarizing a rising British politician? It was no ordinary plagiarism—you know, like candidate Obama’s...

I never get invited to anything.  Not that I would go, anyway.  I have much more important things to do. Via Ben Smith, Buzzfeed Politics, After A Twitter Win, Romney Meets The Online Right: At the Republican National Committee yesterday, conservative online writers and bloggers...

The Telegraph newspaper in Britain has details on a new report just released by the Patients Association which reveals one aspect of the health care crisis in Britain: In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards...