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Elizabeth Warren is punching back against her own embarrassing “no one got rich on his own” rant and Scott Brown’s devastating viral (350k+ 800k views) video. Warren is doing so by insisting that we need to catch up with China on infrastructure spending. Warren’s campaign just released this ad:...

As you know from the primaries, I’m no fan of John Sununu. But when it comes to Obama’s complete lack of understanding and disdain for what makes this country’s economy work, Sununu got it right yesterday Despite the media hoopla, tell me exactly what was wrong with...

Via The Hill: Chen Guangcheng’s daring escape to the U.S. embassy turned into a major political headache for President Obama on Thursday as Republicans accused the administration of naively handing the blind human rights activist back to Chinese authorities…. Embassy officials say Chen left the...

It’s what I’m best at (19 years of schooling down the drain): Noted race relations expert Touré has thoughts on the racist mind based on a conversation he had with someone. In case you were wondering, the “isolated incidents of violence against whites by blacks, in which Trayvon...

I’d rather sit in the dark. That’s my sense of today: Secret Service agent scandal gets worse with allegations of cocaine use, and here is a headline which tells us this drama will play out for a while: Escort Recounts Quarrel With Secret Service Agent. Image...

on what basis would sex-selective abortion be regulated? I previously highlighted the problem, When A Woman’s Right To Choose Results In Fewer Women – In The U.S. Via James Pethokoukis comes this article about the spread of sex-selective abortion in the U.S.,  Unwelcome import: Sex selective...

Via Michelle Malkin, joins Rush Limbaugh advertisers: I’m putting my money where my conservative, free-market principles are. The full announcement about our new ad buy with Rush Limbaugh is here. A snippet: “As a small business owner, defender of capitalism, and advocate of...

I previously posted regarding Pete Hoekstra’s commercial about jobs being shipped to China, and the cries of racism because an Asian woman played the role of an Asian woman in China in the commercial. The woman’s identity was outed by a blog called Angry Asian...

By a clear majority, Americans support getting free stuff over not getting free stuff. And once established, getting free stuff becomes a basic right, and a part of the Democratic Party platform.  We cannot win the free stuff war. How to pay for the free stuff...

Media Matters for America really is Media Matters for Obama, but you already knew that from the frequent posts here about it. Among other things, MMFA employs the most expensive proofreader in America, and the most aggressive and unapologetic purveyor of the “Israel-Firster” smear. It’s...

I posted earlier in the week about the Super Bowl commercial run by Pete Hoekstra, who is running for Senate from Michigan against Debbie Stabenow. The commercial was part of a campaign highlighting the loss of jobs in Michigan to countries like China. The url now redirects...

This could not wait for Saturday Night, because it is just way too bizarre an attempt to turn nothing into a charge of racism. Short background:  Pete Hoekstra, running for Senate from Michigan against Debbie Stabenow, ran a commercial in Michigan during the Super Bowl...

Fake: Real: Fake fake fake fake, but a real problem, don’t you think?  People still think Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. Elsewhere: Happy Birthday, Mr. President. Who Castrated Ann Coulter? Well, he does have a nice healthy smile. Why is...

Government entanglement in our lives is increasing exponentially. Nowhere is this more evident than the recent assault on religious freedoms from varying governmental entities. As Rick Santorum would put it, “It is a top down approach” and it truly is. From the top, we have...

No, not the video I posted of Nancy Reagan. It was, according to Israel Matzav, a video of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wishing China a Happy New Year, receiving 40 million views not including people who viewed it on Chinese television: Related:  Bibi sends Christmas Greetings...

Did you witness the pile on Newt last night about his vision for new space exploration and the reinvigoration of the space industry? While some of Newt’s space ideas (they’re just ideas, not proposals) are grandiose in the way we always have dreamed of space, his...

Mitt Romney’s campaign is in trouble.  The trouble is not just the South Carolina vote count.  Romney’s internal polling almost certainly also showed that he was behind in Florida, as public polling released today reflects. More worrisome for Romney is a growing chorus of doubters within...