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In a campus culture devoted to giving everyone a trophy: The most common grade at many schools? “A” of course! Ignoring Failure in Higher Education LA Times Report: Getting into College is Easier Except for white males, whose Trophy Privilege has gone on long enough:...

Save the Bear’s Dudeness, Dudes: Cornell students demand end to “male heterosexual” Big Red Bear mascot The Tigress Insurrection: A Princeton Alumna Explains Why She Won’t Donate Anymore: “The notion of academic freedom is also false, as faculty stifle and ostracize those who produce scholarship...

It happens in just about every mass shooting or terrorist event.  The initial media reports are inaccurate, yet those hurried inaccuracies feed a political narrative that is hard to break even after the facts are “corrected.” In the Newtown shooting, the wrong person was identified...

Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through seven candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much exposure the prospective juror had to the case through the media and other channels,...

Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through 10 candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much exposure the prospective juror had to the case through the media and other channels,...