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If you think Stephen Hawking's decision not to attend a conference in Israel was a principled stand for academic or other freedoms, you can drop that notion. Hawking, as many have pointed out in the past few days, has attended conferences in the past several years...

Lords of the Flies: Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds Envelope with white powder...

Not Texas. Dear Prof. Jacobson, Well, the skies are blue, at least . . . After "One step away from #Gosnell," I figure we need our spirits lifted a bit, so I present the following, taken in Burns, Oregon, the other day. Some background: Harney County, Oregon, is 10,226...

I'll post the video when available. (Wow, GOP Rapid Response got this video out really quickly) Here are some tweets as it took place:

1) When is news not really news? The Newseum - a museum devoted to the news business - recently held an event to honor journalists killed in the line of duty. Included in that honor members of Hamas who were killed by Israel this past November. Newseum...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco  ...

ABC News blows the lid off the lies of the Obama administration regarding Susan Rice's talking points. That lid already had been blown off by Stephen Hayes, but now it's in the mainstream media. Exclusive:The Benghazi talking points underwent 12 revisions, extensive edits from State. They are...

As a citizen activist, I remember how thrilled we were with the results of the 2010 election, in which the Republicans made enormous gains that were suppose to protect the free market. Fast forward to 2013.  The Senate has just approved the "Marketplace Fairness Act", legislation...

On April 22, 2013, we noted that a terror plot to derail trains headed for the United States was foiled, Canadian terrorist plot foiled — arrests made (Update – supported by al-Qaeda in Iran). The FBI made the following announcement of the indictment of a Tunisian, Ahmen...

After public editor, Margaret Sullivan's unconvincing arguments about the New York Times coverage of Benghazi, I was expecting the New York Times and other members of the MSM to be out today with editorials spinning yesterday's testimony in favor of the administration. .@sulliview insistence on equating...

And they don't mean "land for peace" or anything close to it. Instead, they welcome people like Egyptian Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi to Gaza: Leading Muslim cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi paid a high-profile visit to Gaza on Thursday, giving a boost to the Islamist group Hamas that runs...