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In the past two days two wildly differing polls have been released, one showing Scott Brown up 2, the other showing Elizabeth Warren up by 7. Polling from last week showed Warren ahead by 5. AP via Boston Globe reports: A new poll is giving an edge...

Obama wants to create a Department of Business in his second term. So what might an Obama Business District look like? From a reader: After a day of fun and frolic in St. Louis we drove back to Illinois to discover East St. Louis has renamed its BUSINESS...

Obama won Oregon in 2008 by 16 points. This year his lead is down to just 6 points, per The Oregonian: President Barack Obama holds a relatively narrow lead of six points over Republican challenger Mitt Romney in Oregon, according to a new poll conducted for The Oregonian. Obama's...

More on the inconvenient history of refugees in the Middle East. From the Times of Israel, Egyptian authorities reportedly seize 1.7 million documents proving Jewish ownership of assets in Cairo: Egyptian authorities confiscated some 1.7 million documents reportedly proving Jewish ownership of land and assets in Cairo....

Just when you thought it could not get any worse. and Michael Moore have produced a video which is beyond description. Can we just declare MoveOn a mental illness so it can be covered (under Obamacare, of course). Video (h/t NRO)  NSFW (language warning): Makes the creepy singing...

This was all so predictable. The water has not yet receded in much of the storm damaged region, yet the big government straw man arguments survived and are flourishing. On CBS this morning a correspondent (don't remember his name) was asked by one of the anchors what...

From Leslie Eastmen of Temple of Mut, and contributor at College Insurrection: I just came back from a Jousting Tournament with my family. As we were leaving the parking lot, fate had it that my husband's eyes alighted upon a car with bumper stickers featuring Romney/Ryan,...

I have no implicit pro- or anti-Nate Silver bias.  He was a journolist and in 2008 got some secret help with his predictions from the Obama campaign, but since joining The NY Times I think he has raised his game. I find the whole focus on Silver and...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 8 days to go. Today’s overseas Empty Chair photo comes to us from Scott in Estonia who writes, "President...

A startling video released today by Jeremy Segal ("Rebel Pundit") of shows inner-city Black Chicagoans expressing outrage against President Obama, union racism, and the Democratic Machine, whom they say no longer represent their agenda. Further, when money is directed at their community, it is funneled through...

In Slate, the usually foolish Matt Yglesias holds true to form by demonstrating why we shouldn’t allow liberals to make public policy based on what they consider fairness.  He points to the “mega-yacht” that Steve Jobs commissioned long before his death as “a valuable reminder...

Thanks to reader Brian for sending me this screen capture. I went to HuffPo thinking this must be a Photoshop, but no, it's real.  It's one of a series of photos of Hurricane Sandy which scroll on HuffPo's homepage today. Brian writes: Maybe even they know Obama is...

I have one suggestion for the Obama campaign and supporters thereof: Moratorium on the creepy campaign ads with choirs of children singing about how much of a savior President Obama is. There have been a few questionable ones in the past but this one, I think, reaches...

Newly released data from the weekly Battleground Poll sponsored by Politico and George Washington University has come up with an interesting set of numbers this week. The first part of the data taken in represents a poll of likely voters from last week. Here, Obama has...

“Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody.  You want to do it with a great guy … someone who really cares about and understands women.” – Lena Dunham This week marks an especially repugnant page in President Obama’s catalog of attempts to woo young female...

From reader Ken: I was driving through Durham, NC on Thursday and was behind this car. My dad and I could not stop laughing when we saw both bumper stickers. I think it sums up the entitlement society following Obama. I thought you and your readers might get...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 9 days to go. Today’s great Empty Chair photo comes to us from Yvonne and Glen in New York. The...