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Quick Takes

Holy cow! Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman John Urschel recorded a 4.0 GPA at MIT in his first semester of his PhD program. But it's actually not that surprising: He earned his bachelor's degree in three years at Penn State and spent his senior year working on a...

If progressives were allowed to re-write the 10 Commandments, they'd probably include something like: Thou shalt not question rape culture. The College Fix reports: Federal judge who ruled against Brown’s rape investigation targeted by student campaign When Judge Aaron Persky in California gave a convicted student rapist a sentence...

Vanderbilt University is on a quest to make students use stupid made-up pronouns like Ze and Zir. This is about controlling the way people speak, plain and simple. The Daily Caller reports: Overpriced Fancypants University Festoons Campus With Absurd ‘Ze, Zir, Zirs’ PRONOUN POSTERS [PHOTO] Vanderbilt University has festooned...