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Author: Vijeta Uniyal

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Vijeta Uniyal

Vijeta Uniyal is an Indian journalist based in Germany. He is Senior Distinguished Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.

A commission chaired by Germany’s immigration and refugee czar has proposed voting rights for migrants living in the county. According to the Federal Integration Commissioner Aydan Özoguz, "people who permanently live in a country should be able to participate in democratic decision making." Keeping a Brexit-like scenario in mind, commission wants the voting rights for migrants and refugees at par with German citizens in any future referendum. The head of the commission, Turkish-origin Aydan Özoguz, has been serving as Minister of State in Merkel’s Chancellery since 2013. As Federal Commissioner for Immigration, Refugees and Integration she has been instrumental in shaping and executing Merkel’s ill-advised "Refugee" Policy.

With five weeks to go before Dutch elections, politian Geert Wilders' Party of Freedom (PVV) is leading all the major polls with just below 20 percent of the votes. If Wilders' PVV manages to emerge as the single largest party, as polls currently suggest, the 53 year old Dutch politician could be called to build the next coalition government with him as Prime Minister. Capitalising on last year's Brexit vote and President Trump's victory in the U.S. election, Wilders is campaigning with the slogan "The Netherlands is ours again." His 11-point programme aims to "de-Islamise" the country and end the E.U.-mandated Open Borders Policy.

Right after the Paris attacks of November 2015 that killed 128 people, President Obama scoffed at Republicans for being "scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America." But just because those "clinging to their guns and religion"  -- to use another of Obama's expression-- might be skeptical of mass-migration from Muslim dominated countries, doesn't mean Islamic terrorism isn't out to get them. According to a recent report published by a UK-based counter-extremism think tank, Islamist groups like ISIS and Boko Haram are using child recruits to infiltrate the refugee wave currently overwhelming Europe. ISIS was paying smugglers to bring child recruits across to Europe and offering up to $2,000 for each child recruited inside the refugees camps in Lebanon and Jordan, says the report issued by Quilliam International.

German intelligence agencies are alarmed over the growing influence of radical Islamist "Muslim Brotherhood" organisation in the state of Saxony. The Islamist group is buying large number of properties and setting up mosques all across the state, Saxony's Office for the Protection of Constitution (LfV) said. "The aim of Muslim Brotherhood is to establish Sharia in Germany," Head of LfV, Gordian Meyer-Plath told German newspaper Die Welt. Muslim Brotherhood came out of Egypt in 1920s and has influenced Jihadi terrorist movements all across the Muslim world.  ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, both got their ideological training as members of Muslim Brotherhood. Gaza-based terrorist outfit Hamas is also an offshoot of Muslim Brotherhood.

This week, India and Israel celebrate 25 years of bilateral diplomatic ties. On January 29, 1992, foreign ministers from Israel and India signed an agreement establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to visit Jerusalem in June or July to highlight the significance of this growing bilateral relationship, India's envoy to Israel Ambassador Pavan Kapoor confirmed. "The time is ripe for our two countries to explore the full potential of commonality and the complementary nature of our respective economies and work in tandem for the mutual benefit of our peoples," Indian Embassy in Tel Aviv said in a statement marking this occasion. Israel's embassy in New Delhi also issued a statement marking 25 years of diplomatic relations:
Twenty-five years ago today, on 29 January 1992, the foreign ministers of Israel and India signed the agreement to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries.

European Union's Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini has issued a threat directed at U.S. President Donald Trump. Mogherini warned President Trump that he would "end up being in a prison" for his executive orders, one which temporarily halted the entry of Syrian refugees and another which seeks to begin the construction of a southern border wall, UK newspaper Express reports. Mogherini also lectured President Trump on European history and tradition, and on how Europeans celebrate "when walls are brought down and bridges are built." Italian politician Mogherini played a key role in negotiating the Iran Deal or the "worst deal ever negotiated" as President Trump pointed out. She began her political career with the youth wing of the Italian communist party and made it to the post of E.U.'s High Representative on Foreign Affairs and Security Policy as a member of the 'Party of European Socialists'.

An employee of Migrant Reception Agency in the German state of Lower Saxony lost her job after she raised alarm upon uncovering around 300 cases in which her agency had been making fraudulent cash payments to 'refugees' for over a period of several months, Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung reports. Migrant Reception Agency tried to hush up the crimes by burying the evidence and firing the whistleblower. With only eight months to go for the country's parliamentary election, Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government are keen to avoid negative media coverage connected to their overly generous 'Refugee Policy'.

Nearly a month after the Berlin Christmas market attack that killed 12 people and injuring 48 others, local authorities are moving in to close a Berlin mosque linked to the assailant. Tunisian asylum-seeker Anis Amri, who drove a lorry loaded with 20 tonnes of steel beams into a busy Christmas market, had frequented the inner-city mosque. According to German intelligence agency, the "Fussilat Mosque" is known to be a popular hangout for ISIS sympathisers. As far as last month's terrorist attack goes, Merkel government and local authorities have a lot to answer for. More than 40 German agencies "worked" on Amri's case before he carried out the massacre in Berlin. Security agencies failed to stop the Tunisian-born terrorist despite having him on their radar for years. The known ISIS-sympathiser received welfare payments and was allowed to stay in the country despite a deportation order. And despite a EU-wide manhunt, Amri evaded authorities -- travelling through 5 countries in 5 days -- before he was killed by the Italian police in a shootout.

"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the Islamic faithful our soldiers," Turkey's President Recep Erdogan proclaimed these prophetic words during his 'wilderness years' in 1990s. Now firmly in power for well over ten years, Erdogan is executing this game-plan down to the last word. If German Federal Prosecutor is to be believed, mosques across Germany are running spy operations under the directions of Erdogan regime. On Wednesday, Germany’s top state attorney opened an investigation into the activities of Turkish-Islamic organisation known as 'Ditib,' that operates nearly 900 mosques in Germany. Imams in this particular case were reportedly following the orders from Turkey’s state-run religious agency, known as Diyanet, which reports directly to Turkey’s Prime Minister.

With German Chancellor Angela Merkel threatening U.K. with tough trade negotiations -- or ‘hard Brexit, -- for daring to leave the E.U., the Trump presidency has come at a very opportune time for the beleaguered British government. President-elect Donald Trump's proposed U.S.-U.K. trade deal could destroy EU's designs, Professor Ted Malloch said, the man tapped to be the next U.S. ambassador to the E.U. in the Trump administration while talking to the British newspaper Daily Express. Malloch, who is reportedly being vetted by the presidential transition team, was optimistic about a bilateral trade agreement once U.K. formally leaves the union. "I would hope on the day Britain triggers Article 50 [formal notification of withdrawal from the E.U.], Mrs. May will be able to announce we’ve just started discussions with the United States – an even larger market for free trade," Malloch said.

What should comes as a warning to America, Germany is losing control of its streets thanks to Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy of uncontrolled migration. Details have emerged of coordinated sexual assaults in Berlin, bringing back the memories of last year's mass sexual assaults in the city of Cologne. Berlin Police initially downplayed the crimes, speaking of just 6 isolated cases. With just eight months to go for German elections, Merkel's government does not want negative press around its "Refugee Welcome" policy. Sexual attacks by migrants gangs took place just two weeks following the Berlin Christmas market attack by a Tunisian "refugee" that killed 12 people and injured 50 others. On Wednesday, Berlin police revealed the details of sexual attacks carried out by migrant gangs on New Year's Eve, with 23 cases of reported sexual assaults around Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate. Police confirmed detaining suspects of Pakistani and Iranian descent.

Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with its plans of creating an international Islamic army. Saudi-led Islamic Military Alliance (IMA) comprises of 39 Sunni Muslim states including nuclear-armed Pakistan. According to a report published this week by the British newspaper Guardian, former Pakistan army chief Raheel Sharif has been tapped to become the first commander of this "Muslim Nato". Saudi-led Islamic army is not backed by Iran, which is busy building a rival Muslim block by financing and arming standing armies and terrorist militias in Shia-majority countries and regions. The declared aim of this military alliance is to fight terrorism. Ironically, its leading member states are direct sponsors of Jihadi terrorism across the world. Pakistan's military actively nurtures and sponsors Islamic terrorist groups operating against Hindu-majority India, along with its long-standing ties with Taliban in Afghanistan. Gulf Arab States and Turkey have supported and funded Islamic State (ISIS) at one time or another.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has gained influence in Europe as Chancellor Merkel further isolates Germany with her open borders policy. According to British newspaper Daily Express, "Angela Merkel is losing her grip on power as European leaders openly side with Vladimir Putin." Despite months of back-channel European diplomacy, Merkel and top E.U. officials have failed to impose tougher sanctions against Russia aimed at forcing Putin to stop supporting Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad. Merkel's inability to unite European states could be attributed mainly to her refugee policy. Poland, Hungary and almost all the eastern European states have rejected Merkel’s call to follow Germany's example and open their borders to uncontrolled migration from Arab and Muslim countries.

Sweeping police action was needed to prevent the repeat of mass sexual assaults during this year's New Year's Eve celebrations in the city of Cologne, German police said. Police screened and detained arriving passengers at the main railway station as they headed towards the centre of Cologne. Security measures were focused at Arab-North African men. Cologne police detained more than 100 miscreants and ordered at least 1000 to leave the inner city. As no good deed goes unpunished, German politicians and media slammed police for targeting Arab-North African refugees in Cologne. In Merkel's Germany, inconvenience caused to an able-bodied migrant man bothers media and politicians more than the plight of an assaulted and brutalised woman.

Islamic terrorists are using Europe’s open borders as a tactical tool in their Jihad against the West. Anis Amri, ISIS terrorist responsible for the last week's Berlin Christmas market attack was able to crisscross Europe, covering 5 countries in 5 days, despite Europe-wide manhunt -- German news agency dpa reports. On December 19, Amri drove a lorry into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 50 others. Arab-Tunisian 'refugee' was shot dead by Italian police during a routine check in Milan last Friday. Last November, a ISIS terrorists involved in Paris attacks had managed to slip into Belgium. Europe's most wanted terrorist was later arrested in Brussels after four months in hiding. German intelligence agency recently confirmed that a bombmaker belonging to Paris-based ISIS terror-cell has been “smuggled out of Europe by accomplices and is now back in Syria.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to offer asylum to 1.1 million migrants will cost German taxpayers up to €1.5 trillion [$1.6 trillion], German newspaper Die Welt reports. The projection -- based on the research by Berlin-based think-tank Stiftung Marktwirtschaft -- only take into account the refugee intake of 2015. This moderate figure does not factor in the additional burden to the exchequer due to family reunions, as many of these young migrant men will also bring in large families from their native countries. Merkel’s 'Refugee Welcome' policy will be leaving a huge burden on Germany’s aging and shirking working population. If the trend persists; Germany will apparently go broke before it gets islamised.

“I am horrified, shocked and deeply saddened,” Chancellor Angela Merkel told the press after 12 people were killed and at least 49 people were injured in a terror attack on a Berlin Christmas market. Police are still looking for the perpetrators after reportedly releasing a previous suspect. Tunisian identity papers were recovered from the truck used in the attack. ISIS has taken responsibility for the Monday night's attack adding to a long trail of death and carnage left behind by the Islamic terror in recent months. Following the incident, a team of 250 police officers searched a refugee housing at the old Berlin-Tempelhof airport. Details of the investigation are sketchy, but a nationwide manhunt is still underway.

A truck ploughed through a Christmas market in Berlin today evening, killing at least twelve people and injuring 50 others. The attack took place on the Breitscheidplatz square, near Berlin's iconic Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church along the Kurfürstendamm shopping area. According to Associated Press, Berlin police have arrested the suspected driver, another accomplice reported died during the ramming attack. Authorities are treating the incident as a terror attack. German state-run DW News reports:
Nine people are reported to have died as a result of the incident; however, unconfirmed reports state that there may be more fatalities to come. Up tp 50 people have been reported as injured, according to the daily newspaper "Berliner Morgenpost." The police are treating the event as an apparent terror attack. The driver of the truck is believed to have fled the scene; however, no arrests have been made so far.