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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

From leaking debate questions to Hillary Clinton to allegedly rigging the Democrat primary in Hillary's favor and from announcing that pro-life Democrats are no longer welcome to funding the Trump dossier, the DNC has come under fire for some pretty outrageous behavior and some deeply disturbing statements and actions. Recently, the DNC was also under fire for former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT employee who was arrested earlier this year and who was one of four under investigation for breaching the U. S. House of Representatives computer system. The DNC has multiple openings in IT, and DNC's Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader sent out an email in which she specifically states that she would "prefer" the openings not be forwarded to "cisgender straight white males, since they're already in the majority."

The GOP has had a pretty good racket going.  They tell us that in order to stop ObamaCare and any of a score of other disastrous laws, policies, and regulations, they need the next goal because the last one wasn't enough. The GOP told us they had to have the House, so we gave them the House.  Then they needed the Senate, so we gave them that.  Then they couldn't do a thing without the White House, so we gave them that.  The cynical GOP game is clear:  Ever-moving goal posts coupled with the rejection of the will of the people who elected them.

First, they came for the Confederate flag, but I didn't fly a Confederate flag, so I did not speak out.  Then they came for Confederate statues, but I didn't feel strongly about Confederate statues, so I did not speak out.  Then they came for statues of George Washington and Andrew Jackson, and I have a chance to speak out . . . so I am. While I purposely evoke Martin Niemöller's famous quote about Germans turning a blind eye to Hitler's incremental buildup to genocide, I mean not to diminish the Holocaust but to show how we can so easily inch into dangerous territory ourselves. What we are seeing now has unfortunate parallels to the insidious escalation and gradual expansion of beliefs and mores that drove Germany into the abyss.  At this time in our nation's history, the radical left has identified as obscene and offensive George Washington.  They've deemed him and his great legacy worthy only of being eradicated not just from the face of the earth but from historical and socio-cultural memory.

The Special Council investigation led by James Comey friend and ally and former FBI head Robert Mueller has been in search of a crime since its questionable inception.  In fact, so intent is he on digging up some kind of crime, any kind, that he's amassed a legal team that rivals in size the entire U. S. Attorneys Office for the state of Rhode Island.  Courtesy of your tax dollars. Reports suggest that he's bagging his first head on Monday.  Reports do not, however, state who will be arrested or on what charges.

Former Massachusetts governor and twice failed GOP candidate for president Mitt Romney is reportedly quite seriously contemplating a Senate run in Utah.  While the senior senator from Utah Orrin Hatch (R) has not announced any plans to retire, it appears that the Utah GOP is ready for Romney. Romney is no stranger to Senate campaigns; he ran against Ted Kennedy (D-MA) in 1994 and lost.  Utah, however, may be just the ticket for Romney who has high approval numbers there and is a favorite among the Utah GOP.

The left has had a love-hate relationship with the Electoral College for decades.  When it looks like the Electoral College will help or has helped them, they champion it, and when it looks like it has "stolen" an election from their popular-vote winning candidate, they want it dismantled. In the wake of the resounding 2016 Electoral College win for President Trump (304-227), current DNC chair Tom Perez is taking the Democratic Party into uncharted territory with his declaration that the Electoral College "is not a creation of the Constitution."  He made this bizarre pronouncement before a group of law students at Indiana University Law School.

America's First Ladies have historically selected an area of focus during their husband's tenure as president.  Nancy Reagan chose the war on drugs ("Just Say No"), Laura Bush chose literacy and education, Michelle Obama chose nutrition and exercise.  First Lady Melania Trump announced that as First Lady her focus would be on curbing bullying in K-12 education, particularly cyberbullying. The Guardian reported at the time:
Melania Trump, whose husband has built a public profile partly around his vulgar and offensive Twitter account, called for a gentler and kinder America on Thursday, where children can spend time on social media without fear of harassment. In a rare public appearance, Trump portrayed her husband as a devoted family man with “deep love and respect” for all Americans with a speech intended to help soften his public image with women.

Democrats and the left have been attempting a soft coup on the Trump presidency since election day. One of the key factors in this attempt to unseat a duly-elected president was the now infamous and thoroughly-debunked "Trump dossier" that falsely alleged Trump connections to, even collusion with, Russia. This document, it is now being reported, was funded by the Clinton campaign and by the DNC, then led by disgraced former DNC chair Debbie Wassermann-Schultz.

Former President Jimmy Carter sat down for an interview with Maureen Dowd for the New York Times and dropped some pretty interesting bombs.  Dowd focused her write-up on his answer to her question about acting as a go-between for the Trump White House and North Korea.  He said that he would go if asked, and that's certainly both important and within his wheelhouse.  In the interview, however, Carter also defends President Trump and offers surprising assessments of former-president Obama, failed presidential candidate Hillary, and the media. His comments in defense of Trump might be seen as an attempt to ingratiate himself in order to be called upon to assist with North Korea.  Maybe.  But that doesn't explain his apparent candor in unflattering critiques of Obama, Hillary, and the media.

When he left office, Obama, having made the world much less stable and far less safe during his tenure, was well on his way to his goal of depleting our military to pre-World War II levels. President Trump campaigned on rebuilding our military and refocusing its mission on military matters rather than on political correctness and voracious down-sizing.  He also campaigned on destroying ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism. In aid of these twin campaign promises and goals, Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) permitting the United States Air Force to recall up to one thousand retired pilots.  The cap lift applies to all branches of the military. The left's response was an epic meltdown.

In a deliberate show of anti-Israel sentiment, a Palestinian city has erected a statue of Saddam Hussein bearing the words:  "Arab Palestine From River To Sea."  This was Hussein's rallying call for the destruction of Israel. The Times of Israel reports:
The Palestinian city of Qalqilya has named a street after Saddam Hussein and erected a memorial with his likeness, an NGO monitoring Arabic media reported.

The remaining files related to the JFK assassination are required to be released on October 26th.  As the date approaches, the media began musing about how likely President Trump is to block their release, at least in part. On Friday, Politico published an article entitled, "Trump Likely to Block Release of Some JFK Files."  It is standard procedure to hold back and/or redact information that is potentially damaging to national security, but Politico makes it sound like some dastardly Trumpian plot to hide information from the public. The article was sourced by "anonymous White House officials" and was quickly picked up by other outlets and made the social media rounds.  Why a source needs to be anonymous to state the obvious is anyone's guess.