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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

What happens to every rubric of U. S. economic, national security, and social policy when a key demographic is revealed to be not only wildly wrong but is doubled?  We’re about to find out. A new study released by Yale University and MIT reveals that the previously accepted number of illegal aliens in the U.S. represents only half the actual number.

Anyone still claiming that #MeToo is anything other than a political weapon is either hopelessly naive or happily—and selectively—wielding it to mow down political foes while ignoring #MeToo allegations against their political friends. Case in point: the frenzy surrounding a single decades-old allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has attracted the attention of every #MeToo figure on the planet, yet these same people are surprisingly uninterested in the allegations of long-standing domestic abuse against Keith Ellison.

Buried amid all the anti-Trump "Russia, Russia, Russia" derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations. Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn't prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching "hard" for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

Actor Jim Carrey appeared on Bill Maher's show last week and sang the praises of socialism; at one point he stated, "We have to say yes to socialism — to the word and everything.” Venezuelan journalist Laureano Márquez was appalled and wrote a searing response in which he noted that Venezuela's on-going crises are the direct result of socialism. He also points out that people are "fleeing the country 'however way they can' as they do not have access to medication, food or other basic needs."

Back in 2011, the Obama administration announced that it was going to roll out an emergency alert system that entailed, in part, text messages to one's phone from the president.  No one can opt out of these "Presidential Alerts," and there was quite an uproar from the right about this at the time. This week, FEMA announced that it will again be testing this emergency alert system on Thursday—it was first tested in November of 2011, and the left is suddenly not happy with the Obama plan now that Obama is no longer in office.

Twitter has long been adversarial to conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, and other right-leaning users; we've been suspended and/or banned so often that a lot of conservatives have a second account in place should they end up in the infamous #TwitterGulag. Since the outrage and backlash against these blatant attempts to silence any and everyone not toeing the regressive line, Twitter has become more creative in its efforts to silence "wrong thought."  First it was shadow-banning, and when they got called out on that, they started a new and deeply bizarre not shadowbanning shadow-banning policy.

The #Resistance isn't content with its "impeach Trump" efforts, its Russia investigation, its marches, boycotts, and pussy hats.  Some of them are targeting President Trump's business efforts as a means of political retribution. The latest of these efforts took place in Washington DC where a "group of civic and religious leaders" banded together to press the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration there to revoke the Trump International Hotel's liquor license.  The group, laughably calling themselves "Make Integrity Great Again," asserted that he doesn't pass the "good character" test.

In July, the Department of Justice charged Russian national Maria Butina with conspiring to defraud the United States and acting as an unregistered foreign agent.  She has pleaded not guilty to all charges. U. S. prosecutors admitted they misread text messages they used in court Friday to claim that Butina traded sex for access.  They were attempting to show Butina as a flight risk and say the mistake should not diminish their case to continue holding her.  She had been denied bond in July, but her attorney wants her released on home confinement.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is the latest Democrat to jump on the deception shuttle to, she hopes, the White House in 2020.  She tweeted an 11-second video of soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in which he says, "Filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to."

NBC's Chuck Todd amuses me; I don't know if it's his lethargic presence or his pretense at earnest thoughtfulness.  Maybe it's his "sleepy eyes."  Whatever it is, I rarely miss Meet the Press just for the chance to giggle as Todd's weekly impression of Chandler Bing from Friends (all those oddly-timed pauses and the weird emphasis on random words just cracks me up).  Whatever it is, I find it hard to take Todd seriously; he's such a doofus and that he sees himself as a person of great gravitas just adds to the funny. When I saw that he had published an article at the Atlantic, I couldn't click over quickly enough.  Sure, much of his pretentious goofiness needs to be seen and heard to be appreciated, but he's such a sloppy thinker that I just had to know what he had written.

I find it fascinating that almost two years into the Trump presidency, and #TheResistance is still dreaming of impeaching our duly-elected president and over-turning a free and fair election simply because they don't like the results. In the latest sad twist on this theme, the "Impeach Trump" media has latched onto what is ultimately a pretty innocuous statement by former Obama Secretary of Defense and former CIA chief, Leon Panetta.

The left's enthusiasm about Bernie-backed Andrew Gillum Winning the Florida Governor Democrat primary may be misplaced.  Because his primary opponents were focused on President Trump, not on the Tallahassee mayor who seemed such a long-shot, Gillum sailed through the primary unscathed.  This will not be the case in his race against Republican Ron DeSantis, and the DeSantis team will have a lot to work with.

When the left is confronted with the fact—and it is a fact—that their radical anti-God, anti-family SJW agenda is indeed radically out of step with mainstream America, the result is always hilarious.  And a little sad. Case in point, Aretha Franklin was eulogized by Reverend Jasper Williams Jr., and the left melted down because he expressed "old school," "controversial" ideas about family and faith, about the decline of black owners of small businesses and about #BlackLivesMatter.

When I first heard that Senator John McCain (R-AZ) explicitly stated that he did not want President Trump to attend his funeral, I was taken aback not only by his petty smallness but by the abrupt change of tune since his insistence that Obama be treated with respect simply because he occupied the Office of the President of these United States. Asking President Trump not to attend was an extraordinary request because the lack of invitation to the sitting and duly-elected President to read a eulogy at the funeral would have been a significant rebuke.  And more than sufficient.  McCain chose the low road.

Hours after the death of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was announced, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) proposed renaming the Russell Senate office building the McCain Building.  Soon-to-be former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) quickly added his name to the proposal. The idea, however, has been met with push back from other Senators, including McCain's good friend Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and from the GOP base.  The idea is a bad one for a number of reasons, but if the goal was to unify the Senate GOP, it's working quite well.

CNN has raced for the bottom by aligning itself with #TheResistance, and as a result of its Trump derangement, the cable news network has been plagued with numerous #FakeNews scandals this year.  Last year, CNN earned the dubious distinction of being the only media outlet to be named a whopping four times in the 2017 Fake News Awards list of top ten purveyors of fake news. It's little surprise, then, that CNN's ratings are tanking.  And I mean really really tanking.  The vaunted “Chris Cuomo Primetime” has fewer viewers not only than Fox News but than HGTV.  This makes sense; after all, watching paint dry is far preferable to watching Cuomo's antics.

We often cover fake hate here at LI, but this case in Grand Rapids, Michigan is particularly disturbing because it involves children.  Several black children under the age of eight concocted a story about a white man urinating on one of them. It turns out that the children had invented the story about the white man (it was one of the children who had urinated on another child) to avoid getting in trouble.  The fabrication, however, resulted in the arrest of an innocent 60-year-old man and the usual outrage-before-facts from the left.  Even the local NAACP weighed in with their outraged outrage.