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Schumer’s Proposal to Rename Building after McCain Unifies GOP . . . Against the Idea

Schumer’s Proposal to Rename Building after McCain Unifies GOP . . . Against the Idea

McConnell nixes the idea, proposes placing a portrait of McCain in the Senate reception room

Hours after the death of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was announced, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) proposed renaming the Russell Senate office building the McCain Building.  Soon-to-be former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) quickly added his name to the proposal.

The idea, however, has been met with push back from other Senators, including McCain’s good friend Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and from the GOP base.  The idea is a bad one for a number of reasons, but if the goal was to unify the Senate GOP, it’s working quite well.

NPR reports:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Tuesday delayed efforts to rename the Russell Senate Office in honor of Sen. John McCain by creating an official group to vet a variety of memorial options.

McConnell announced plans for the bipartisan committee just days after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., first suggested renaming the building to memorialize McCain, who died Saturday at 81. Republican reaction to the Schumer proposal was mixed, even as Sen. Jeff Flake, McCain’s fellow Arizona Republican, signed on as a co-sponsor.

Schumer announced his suggestion shortly after McCain died. He said the proposal would honor McCain while also removing the name of former Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga., who had an anti-civil-rights record during his tenure in the Senate.

“The man whose name he would replace, Sen. Richard Russell, a towering figure in the Senate of his day, was an avowed opponent of civil rights and the architect of the Southern filibuster, which long delayed its passage,” Schumer said Monday. “It’s time that we recognize that as times change, so do our heroes.”

The idea, apparently, is to rename the building for McCain, thus removing the name of a Democrat who has fallen from grace in his own party.  This is an extension of the left’s push to destroy monuments and memorials and to rename a host of other things—from buildings to streets—if they were in any way associated with the Civil War South or the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s.  The idea of renaming the building for these reasons does not sit well with Senators from southern states.

The Hill reports:

“Senator Russell was a well respected man from the South and up here too,” said Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), adding that he was “a man of his time.”

“He was a well-respected senator,” Shelby said.

Russell is considered controversial because of his opposition to civil rights legislation.

Shelby noted that if reporters were going to judge Russell on his civil rights stance then they would also need to reevaluate the Founding Fathers.

“If you want to get into that you have to get into George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and all of our — most of our Founding Fathers, maybe with the exception of Hamilton,” he said. “It’s easy to prejudge what they should have done.”

Shelby was one of several Southern GOP senators who pushed back on the idea of taking Russell’s name off the Senate office building.

Georgia Sen. David Perdue — a Republican and close ally of Trump — touted Russell’s Senate work, saying on Tuesday that he was a “stalwart” of the military and involved in the Great Society, referring to the domestic program of former President Lyndon B. Johnson.

“This is a guy who was a giant of the Senate,” Perdue said. “So this renaming thing because of one issue, you know, is somewhat troubling. The fact that it’s been brought into this John McCain thing I think is inappropriate.”

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) told reporters that he would prefer to “find another way” to honor McCain.

“What I don’t want is to establish a precedent so that something named after John McCain is named after somebody else in the future,” Cassidy said.

Schumer, who has a knack for irritating even those Republican Senators who are sympathetic to his agenda, apparently failed to mention this idea before making the announcement.  Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) was displeased.

Others, like Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Schumer didn’t discuss the idea with other senators before making the announcement.

“It’s my understanding that Sen. Schumer announced it without even talking to a single Republican,” Collins said. “I think a better approach, especially since we’re honoring the legacy of someone who believes in bipartisanship, is for the two leaders to get together and decide if this is the best way to honor him or is there another way that might be more appropriate.”

Graham is also not enthused about renaming the Russell Building after his long-time friend and colleague.

NBC reports:

But Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., one of McCain’s closest friends is noncommittal on renaming the building.

Graham joked that they should rename the Capitol Visitor’s Center after McCain as a final poke at the late senator.

“He hated that place, so that’s why I want to name it after him,” Graham said. McCain disliked the $600 million price tag to build it.

[Senator Johnny] Isakson [R-GA] added: “Well he’d have a lot of things named for him if we did that for that reason.”

Ultimately, though, the renaming won’t happen.  While Schumer is reportedly still pushing it, too many Republican Senators (moderates and conservatives) have rejected the idea, perhaps with an eye to November’s midterms.

McCain was very popular among Democrat voters (polling 71%), but was far less so among Republican voters (51%).  Renaming anything after him would not be well-received by the GOP base.

In the indirect way of the Senate, the message was clear: They are not likely to rename a building for McCain, and Republicans are the reason. For all of the outpouring of tributes, many of his GOP colleagues would rather keep the name of a Southern segregationist Democrat on the building rather than risk riling up rank-and-file Republicans who are not universally appreciative of McCain’s self-styled maverick streak.

Among Republicans, his favorability rating stood at 51% — a dramatic lag from the 71% of Democrats who held him in favor, according to a Gallup poll earlier this month. This helps explain why Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer raised the offer of renaming Russell, and why Republicans were slow to embrace that.

. . . . Even in McCain’s home state of Arizona, the state GOP censured him. “McCain” is an epithet there and in conservative confabs.

Ultimately, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is having none of it.

The New York Post reports:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday stalled an effort led by Sen. Chuck Schumer to quickly rename a prominent Senate office building for the late Senator John McCain.

McConnell announced he’d form a bipartisan “gang” to examine best ways to honor McCain’s legacy in the Senate, though he declined to mention Schumer’s idea to rename the Russell Senate Office building after the Arizona Republican.

“It’s a further tribute to our colleague that there’s no shortage of good ideas,” McConnell said on the Senate floor.

He mentioned two other possibilities to honor McCain: naming the Senate Armed Services Committee room for the late chairman or adding a portrait of McCain to the Senate reception room.

He’s onto something here.  Renaming the Russell building after McCain is a very bad idea and will not be well-received by the base, adding a portrait of McCain to some wall won’t bother anyone.


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casualobserver | August 29, 2018 at 3:15 pm

Schumer is a master at playing political games. I would bet my car on the fact that he doesn’t want to rename the building. He wants yet another Nov. talking point >>> “See how extreme these Republicans are? They won’t even honor someone who isn’t Alt-Right….” and equal gibberish.

    mrGAB444 in reply to casualobserver. | August 30, 2018 at 7:24 am

    “NOvember vote the RINOS out”

    RINOs are NOT republican, they are NWO/globalists.
    USA’s 5th column, RINOs and ALL democrats

    GOP RINOs haven’t been ‘caving on everything’ as Sean Hannity and Rush keep saying, the GOP RINOs are COMPLICIT.”

Bucky Barkingham | August 29, 2018 at 3:16 pm

“McCain was very popular among Democrat voters (polling 71%) …” But not popular enough to beat Obama in 2008.

Democrats love McCain because he conceded the 2008 Presidential election on September 24, 2008.

G. de La Hoya | August 29, 2018 at 3:31 pm

Still curious about McCain and his flunky in regards to the initial handling of the Steele Dossier. Imagine he was like Cindy Brady with a secret 😉

“The McCain” is a variation of the “DC Two Step Shuffle” where you spin your partner round and round then stab her in the back, in a vain and impotent attempt to appease enemies in the audience.

It is often followed up by the liberal favorite “A Strange New Respect” as a eulogy at the dancer’s funeral.

– Ritual Forms of Earth That Was, by River Tam

We should rededicate the Titanic Memorial to the McCain Memorial.

Retaining a Senate seat when he—and everyone else—knew perfectly well that he was unable to perform the job he was hired to do was a huge blot on the end of his career.

Hereditary royalty is one thing. Elective office is not the same, and shouldn’t be treated as if it is. The Senate is not an entitlement, it’s a job. Anyone who forgets that doesn’t deserve any monuments.

All of this insincere love for McCain is somewhat nauseating. Celebrate his life or his passing, from whatever perspective you chose to view it, but just plant the contrary prick already.

This is what unites Reublicans? Gosh, I’m happy for them. Useful as teats on a billy goat they are.

Next thing you know McConnell will summon Mark McGuire before a blue ribbon committee concerning his questionable supplement cocktail mix of SuperBeets, CarrotSqueezin’s and Adam Corolla’s Mangria.

Harrumph!! Harrumph!!Harrumph!!Harrumph!!

Whatever Chuck proposes, I’m against it.

I am all for renaming the John McCain Senate Building. As long as we also rename the Ronald W. Reagan White House and Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Building.

McCain was the Democrats biggest ally. He sowed discord within the GOP, back-stabbed conservatives and always said whatever the MSM wanted him to say.

I had a couple cold Yuenglings when I heard the news Saturday night.

    DaveGinOly in reply to bw222. | August 31, 2018 at 12:08 pm

    McCain did those things to increase his power in the Senate – he made himself the maker and breaker. This was not in the best interests of the country (or even of the Republican party, for what it’s worth), it was in the best interests of John McCain.

You should update this story.

Apparently Google Maps just went ahead and re-named the building.

Everything you need to know about McCain. Schumer wants to honor him, and the GOP is opposed.

What should give everyone pause – this clown was our 2008 nominee for president. Clearly our nomination process is fundamentally broken.

Trump and Palin aren’t welcome at McCain’s funeral. Why are we allowing our nation’s Capitol to be used by a small, insignificant and spiteful man to hurl insults at others from his grave?

More good news: Barry Odumbo is getting a boulevard named after him in Los Angeles:

There’s a New Street Coming to Los Angeles – Obama Boulevard:

Should go well with his fake nobel prize.

The GOP stiff is permanantly stiff now.

The forest service just built a very nice toilet facility near here.

Put McStain’s portrait in the head where it belongs.

Don’t remember the politician who mentioned this, but it is perfect.

The standard abbreviation for Senate Office Building fits perfectly with John McCain – McCain SOB.

He’ll wind up with a plaque outside the Senate Pages Restroom.

I liked McConnell’s (or maybe the author’s) dig at all the “gangs” McCain was part of. I’ve always hated that figure of speech.

It comes from adverse writing about the troubles in China decades ago. It’s stupid. It’s as bad as the “Czar” of this or that formulation.

We’re not Russia and we don’t have Czars. They may want to have them but the country is not built that way.

    The Senate’s bipartisan “gangs” go back decades; the most infamous in recent years being the Gang of Eight who worked on immigration reform. McConnell wasn’t digging at anyone; it’s just the term the Senate uses to describe any bipartisan group of Senators working on a single issue. Nothing to see here. 🙂

PersonofInterests | August 30, 2018 at 2:15 pm

Just more proof that Juan McShame was really a liberal D-Rat. The last detestable spectacle of that was for Johnny Boy to withhold his vote on the Repeal of Obamacare until the last; showing up for all to see him present himself on the Senata Floor and turn a Thumb Downl; and then return to his Senate Floor Desk to ultimately walk across the aisle and be congratualted by the D-Rats, yuking it up for having shoved his thumb into our eye. What a scumbag !

He remained the bad human being that he was until the bitter end and he does NOT deserve to be buried on hallowed ground with REAL Heros or be celebrated when he did no much harm to so many and little different than Ted Kennedy who he is likely with on Satan’s Lap down there.

Yes, he was a weak soldier, who sold out his fellow POWs.

Yes, he was corrupt scum who was part of the Keating Five.
McCain: The Most Reprehensible of the Keating Five

Yes, he was rino rat who sold out his voters for 35 years.

Yes, he sold out his country by going to Syria to trash our president during a time of war.

But mostly, he’ll be remembered as a petty, weak-ego bozo, good for nothing – who succeeded strictly because of nepotism – who had zero class right up to the his bitter end.

Good. Fu-king. Riddance. (Unless you’re Lindsey Graham.)

Roy in Nipomo | August 30, 2018 at 6:13 pm

It’s funny how Democrats seem to love dead Republicans.

What, no mention of the execrable McCain-Feingold Act?