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Author: Anne Segal

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Anne Segal

Anne Sorock Segal is a market researcher and president of The Frontier Lab, a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase demand for freedom and revive a unifying American character using cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies.

Saturday evening the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published a sweeping endorsement of Governor Walker in the upcoming Wisconsin recall election. The news was a stunning endorsement for Walker, who faces democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in June, given that the newspaper has been known to have a...

Early Saturday morning, three of the Occupy protesters from the "nonviolent" F*** the Police march were charged with "possession of an incendiary or explosive device, conspiracy to commit terrorism, and providing material support for terrorism." The arrests stemmed from allegations they were planning to create...

"Revolution," a new drama from NBC's fall lineup, depicts what life would look like in the aftermath of an EMP attack. Producer JJ. Abrams (Iron Man) sets the action in Chicago, 15 years after all electricity on the planet is wiped out. In the teaser, the...

Today, Megyn Kelly of FOX News interviewed Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes about Elizabeth Warren's claims to Cherokee heritage. Legal Insurrection has been breaking news on Warren's false claims, including extensive coverage of the genealogical records. In the interview with Kelly, Barnes says, "there's nothing to indicate she's...

Today, new footage surfaced from the Occupy/ F*** the Police march Tuesday in Chicago. [Language warning, not safe for work]. The video shows a side of the Occupy / F*** the Police march not shown by the mainstream media. The media continues to ignore the radical...

Governor Walker leads Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett by six percentage points-- 50 percent of likely voters over Barrett's 44 percent-- according to a poll released today by Marquette Law School. Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch leads challenger Mahlon Mitchell by six percentage points as well, garnering 47...

Conservatives tend to give their babies "trendier" names than liberals, who favor traditional names, according to NPR: Styles of baby names, it seems, are nearly as different in various parts of the country as voting habits. "There is an enormous red state and blue state divide...

Occupy Chicago held a "F** the Police" rally as they marched through the streets Tuesday night shouting "From Chicago to Greece, F*** the Police." A short video clip I took as the crowd was just beginning to form follows (language warning: not safe for work): Compared... sent out an email late today blasting the DNC for refusing to invest in the recall Walker efforts in Wisconsin: Dear MoveOn member, BREAKING NEWS FROM WISCONSIN: The Democratic National Committee isn't investing in the massive get out the vote effort in Wisconsin to recall Scott Walker. Wisconsin...

It's NATO week in Chicago. The Occupiers, anarchists, socialists, unions, and other professional protesters are in the process of "couch-surfing" their way into town (for those who aren't occupying foreclosed housing) for the NATO summit that officially takes place May 20-21. Yesterday, eight protesters who were... reports that Elizabeth Warren's campaign offered a cousin's cookbook as further evidence to her 1/32 Cherokee claim debunked last week. According to Breitbart's Michael Patrick Leahy: The Warren Campaign offered reporters an undated article from the Muskogee Phoenix about the contributions of Elizabeth Warren’s first cousin,...

The New York Post reported late Saturday night that a bribe of $150,000 was offered to Reverend Jeremiah Wright from one of President Barack Obama's "closest friends" for Wright to keep quiet, and that Obama personally met with Wright to plead with him to refrain...

Saturday, Mitt Romney addressed the graduation crowd gathered at Liberty University with a strong but broad defense of the role of Judeo-Christian values in America: Central to America’s rise to global leadership is our Judeo-Christian tradition, with its vision of the goodness and possibilities of every life...

Young Guns Super PAC might need to adjust its "decision matrix." Chagrined after the Young-Guns-endorsed Lugar was defeated by challenger Mourdock, and then caught up in the messy ouster of the most conservative congressman in Illinois, Don Manzullo, they are now saddled with the news that...

How many designer blouses could the taxpayers buy Michelle Obama in exchange for the cost of her Spanish vacation?  Anne Sorock That's right, the taxpayers could have taken the $467,585 they spent for Michelle's summer vacay to Spain and purchased 492 of Ann Romney's much discussed Reed...

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) will face Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) in the general recall election on June 5, 2012, after both won primary recall elections in their respective parties. Walker previously defeated Barrett in the 2010 governor's race by 5 percentage points. Ballotpedia reports...

Ballotpedia, the "interactive almanac of state politics," has an excellent run-down of Tuesday's elections across the country. While we've already reported to you on what's at stake in Wisconsin and Mourdock's challenge to Lugar, there are other key elections in Indiana, North Carolina, and West Virginia to...