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Author: Mike LaChance

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Mike LaChance

Mike LaChance has been covering higher education and politics for Legal Insurrection since 2012. He has also written for American Lookout, Townhall, and Twitchy.

Since 2008 he has contributed work to the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, the Center for Security Policy, the Washington Free Beacon, and Ricochet.

Mike is a Generation X, New England lifer who describes his political views as conservative and libertarian.

You can find him on Twitter @MikeLaChance33

A 9/11 sensitivity training video shown to teachers in Virginia is sparking outrage from parents who say it is minimizing the severity of September 11th and rewriting history. The training session is led by a professor from American University who even says the hijackers should not be called terrorists.

After the 2016 election, the left spent four years casting doubt on the outcome in order to make Trump's win look illegitimate. After the 2020 election, the left's allies in social media made it a thought crime to question Biden's win. In the California recall election, the media is already setting up a narrative to question the outcome in case Larry Elder wins.