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Pulling Back the Curtain Week at Legal Insurrection

Pulling Back the Curtain Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Elon Musk is providing a valuable public service and it’s making all the right people angry.

You think?


What a train wreck.

Metaphor alert.

Payback for Clyburn?

Democrats. It’s different when we do it.

Sounds like a plan.

Probably a good idea.

House Republicans are already pretty busy.

Oh shut up.

Of course they do.

What a disgrace.


That’s a shame.


Not good.

World news.


Totally normal.

What could go wrong?


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Bitterlyclinging | December 4, 2022 at 8:55 am

So the Eunuch party is getting busy questioning the Pentagon on its ‘Woke’ policies.
Be advised, we cannot, in this day and age of the Democrat’s Joe Stalin election rules, “Its not the the people that cast the ballots that matter, its the people who count them” vote our way out of this morass.

Pulling back the curtain to show you what you already knew.

BierceAmbrose | December 4, 2022 at 4:02 pm

Well, all those people busy playing phone-tag with the administration and their apparatchiks does explain why the Twit-Tech never got better. They were busy.