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Build the Wall Week at Legal Insurrection

Build the Wall Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Democrats are putting politics and their hatred of Trump above border security and the will of voters. Leave the government shut down. Who cares, at this point?

They’re not backing down. Neither should Trump.

How about no?

Democrats are a wreck heading towards 2020.

Trump, on the other hand.

Be all that you can be. In space.

You don’t say…

Thank you for your service.

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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Hard to see how this turns out well. Nothing matters more to the Dems than frustrating Trump, no matter what the cost to the country. Schumer just has to wait until the new Congress.

Try spending the next two weeks with the news turned off. The world looks exactly the same except it is quieter and less rancorous.

If we could return to talking to people face-to-face instead of in “smart” phone political echo chambers, the world be a happier place. “Fire! Fire! Everybody panic!! And you aren’t angry enough!!!! Get angrier!!!!”

Merry Christmas. Let’s try to enjoy it now that the government is “closed”.

Trump better not cave! No bad deals … like DACA amnesty for the measley $5B. Don’t settle for less money. Keep it shut down for months, if necessary. Just don’t cave.