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California Throws a Wrench in the Democrat’s 2020 Primary

California Throws a Wrench in the Democrat’s 2020 Primary

California politics might benefit, but so will the left-wing Democrat candidates, given California’s penchant for supporting far left-wingers.

California has jumped ahead in the primary line. Usually holding their primary in June, months after Iowa’s kickoff in February, California’s Democrat primary will be held on March 3, 2020, allowing the state to have a greater influence in the primary game, reports the Wall Street Journal.

From the WSJ:

The move from a June primary in 2016 will press hopefuls to consider a West Coast perspective on issues such as immigration and the environment, empower the state’s growing Latino and Asian populations and drastically increase the amount of money candidates must raise to mount a competitive campaign.

California’s calendar change is one of several developments reshaping Democrats’ primary process. Following the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary—two predominately-white electorates that are the traditional vetters of presidential candidates—at least six of the next nine states on the 2020 calendar will take Democrats through a swath of states where black and Hispanic Democrats dominate primary elections, including Texas.

The anticipated size of the presidential candidate field could also upend traditional primary dynamics. President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton won the 2008 and 2016 Democratic nominations due to consolidated support from Southern black women. In 2020, two African-Americans are planning campaigns, and other would-be candidates have spent parts of the last year stumping with such high-profile black gubernatorial candidates such as Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Andrew Gillum in Florida.

The geography for primaries will likely mean the voters critical to winning the presidential nomination will be considerably different from the electorate that carried the party to sweeping victories in the 2018 midterm elections, when Democrats flipped 40 House Republican seats and regained the chamber’s majority.

…California, Texas and seven other states have set March 3 contests and more—including Georgia, where black voters make up more than half the Democratic electorate—could move to that date as well, said Josh Putnam, a University of North Carolina-Wilmington lecturer who tracks the presidential nominating calendar.

Also upending the traditional focus on Iowa and New Hampshire is a heavier emphasis on early voting, a process that has become more popular with each election. Millions of California voters will receive their ballots 29 days before its primary, on the same day as the Iowa caucuses. Vermont’s early voting will begin Jan. 18, two weeks before Iowans choose a candidate.

California politics might benefit, but so will the left-wing Democrat candidates, given California’s penchant for supporting far left-wingers. And so, the Democrats will swing further away from the partisan middle in picking someone to oppose Trump.


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And, out of the Top 50 Most Expensive Zip Codes To Live In in the entire United States of America, 46 of them are in California [the other 4 are in New York, New York….. naturally].

Once again, it will be the much loathed by both coasts ‘Middle America’/’Fly-over Country’ that will be desperately needed to save America from so-called “Democratic-Socialism”. And, if the depraved and fascist Left learned anything at all from 2016, they’re going to be coming hat-in-hand and getting down on bended knee making all kinds of silver tongued lofty promises that they know they cannot keep, and therefor have no intention of keeping.

God Bless and Protect President Donald J Trump!
KAGA 2020!

    Milhouse in reply to FlatFoot. | December 18, 2018 at 1:21 am

    Only three are in New York, NY. The other one is in Rye.

    ROTONDARON in reply to FlatFoot. | December 18, 2018 at 7:51 am

    Californication: A special place to avoid, at all costs!

    Hollywood: A very special place, where the inmates, are running the Asylum, & everyone “Flies” over the Cucoo nest!

    Senate Justice COmmmittee: A very special place where there is “anything “BUT” justice….{ Thanks to Diane Feinstein, & her crew of nutcases}

    Maxine Waters: head nut case at the “Asylum”!

Since the Democrat candidate is pre-selected prior to primaries, moving the date only makes the loyal party members in the rest of the country know whom to vote for.

It will be harder for any candidate to chart a more “centrist” course after “winning” the nomination. This will leave a larger left of center vacuum for the GOPe to think they can capture. The next two years will find the Dems/MSM trying the wreck the country to drive people left to socialist safety.

Will the Golden State bring their now famous ballot harvesting scheme to their primary? Is the plan to kick start the planned Kamala Harris 2020 landslide?

The Democrat nomination system is rigged. The unelected super delegates allow the DNC to control who gets nominated. What the California Democrat party is doing here is attempting to gain ore power within the Democrat Party. If their primary remains first, they caqn claim ascendancy, even if none actually exists. If the DNC forces them to change their primary date, then they will win concession from the national party which will be of benefit to them.

This is all about power with in the Democrat Party. And, it could signal that there is a growing schism within the party.

I recall CA is a proportional representation in the primary. So everyone that gets 15% of the vote minimum shares the delegates.

With 20 candidates it is unlikely more than 5 would get 15% and probably 4 as it is early. It does make CA relevant in the process rather than crowning Hillary again.

This represents another step downward in the process that has turned our nominating process into a media circus in which the only thing that matters is name recognition. There will be no chance for less well-known candidates to prove themselves, nor for slick front-runners with huge war chests to manifest any weaknesses.

Even more bizarre is the opportunity to cast one’s vote weeks before the primary. It apparently wasn’t bad enough that voters can make up their minds for the general election before the campaign season has really gotten underway (and before they know anything about most of the down-the-ballot candidates). Now, they can carry this general ignorance into a primary process which was originally supposed to vet the candidates. All this under the guise of the fallacy that the most important thing is that everyone vote, rather than that the election be the considered choice of those paying attention to the political process. Thus, the winner will be the well-financed candidate or celebrity who has managed to get the most media coverage in the year(s) before the campaign season starts.
—And we are getting this from the party that deplores the election of a celebrity with no previous political experience but had a talent for staying in the news for good and ill!!

It is said that people get the government they deserve. With our foolish wilful insistence that the useful precedents of two centuries be ignored, and that we fly willy-nilly to whatever novel ‘fix’ for non-existent problems is proposed by those who profit most from manipulating public opinion, our political process has become more and more absurd. We will get the government we deserve, and we will get it GOOD AND HARD.

the thing to do, since it’s a jungle primary, and Trump is a given GOP candidate, for all conservatives still living here to vote for the WORST of the demonrat choices…

out of love, of course. 😎