On January 7, 2015, Islamic terrorists attacked the satirical French publication Charlie Hebdo, angered over a cartoon mocking Mohammed.
You can mock any religion, in fact it’s encouraged in the West, except Islam. That can get you killed. It’s a serious threat, and it’s easy to act tough behind a pseudonym, but if you are out there and physically vulnerable, it’s no laughing matter.
France 24 has this look back:
We covered the events live as they unfolded, #JeSuisCharlie — Attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo (Live Updates). Many of the videos and tweets have gone bad or put behind an age-restricted screen, like this live coverage by the NY Times.
While there was a rush to express outrage, there also was the now-typical deflection: Charlie Hebdo Attack Spin: Blaming the Victims and the West.
Here is some of our coverage in the following days:
It was not the U.S.’s finest hour, as Eric Holder did Meet the Press instead of Paris Solidarity March.
A.F. Branco penned this solidarity cartoon for us:
But it wasn’t over, it never really is.