Surge In Israeli Women Signing Up For Combat Units After October 7 Mass Rapes And Sexual Mutilation

As we have documented many times before (see bottom of post) and again below, there is overwhelming evidence of war crimes in general and particularly against Israeli women during the October 7 Massacre by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Gaza “civilians” who joined in. The assaults included almost-unimaginable gross sexual torture and mutilation of sexual organs.

The purpose of rape and sexual abuse as a war tactic is not just to humiliate the direct victims, but to traumatize and victimize all of society. That’s why rape and sexual abuse as a military tactic now are considered crimes against humanity. Israelis rightly are incensed and outraged. And traumatized.

But Israeli women are fighting back, literally. Israeli women, with some exemptions, are drafted into the military, but often do their ‘national service’ outside the military. Those who serve in the IDF mostly are assigned into non-combat roles. That has changed since October 7. Israeli women in the IDF increasingly want to join the fight directly against the Hamas rapists and butchers by signing up for combat units.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

IDF women are hitting new combat draft unit highs, according to November-December data issued on Wednesday.The number of female draftees seeking combat positions in the shadow of the Gaza War is breaking every pre-war goal.Regarding female draftees participation, border patrol units are at 116%, battle-related intelligence collection is at 133%, artillery is at 132%, air defense is at 101%, rescue units are at 122% and border police is at 119%.An additional 12% of women draftees requested to serve in combat units since the start of the war.In addition, two women passed the initial vetting process for the elite air force Search and Rescue Unit 669.

There is a full-blown effort at rape denialism ongoing from the Islamists and the left. They demand testimony from the raped women. They’re almost all dead, because the attackers murdered them.

Yet the evidence keeps mounting, and painfully so. There is some eyewitness testimony, plus a mountain of forensic evidence.

The Jerusalem Post reports, ‘Israeli female soldiers shot in crotch, vagina, breasts on October 7’:

Expressions of agony survived their deaths, army reservist Shari Mendes said as she described what experts saw when they identified and prepared for burial the bodies of female victims of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

“These women arrived with their eyes open, their mouths grimacing, their fists clenched,” said Mendes, whose IDF rabbinical unit worked with the bodies, all of which were brought to the IDF’s Shura base.“The soldiers that we dealt with had expressions of agony on their faces still,” said Mendes. “I remember one young woman whose arm was broken in so many places it was difficult for us to lay her arm in the burial shroud, her leg too. In her case, the entire left side of her body was shredded, torn apart, most likely by a grenade.” ….“Our team commander saw several female soldiers who were shot in the crotch – intimate parts/vagina – or shot in the breast. This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,” Mendes said.In a filmed testimonial played at the event, a survivor said she watched a terrorist who had cut off a woman’s breasts and played with them – after he had raped her.

“Our unit has seen bodies that were beheaded or had limbs cut off, mutilated,” Mendes said. “One young woman came in with no legs: they had been cut off. We saw several severed heads, one with a large kitchen knife still embedded in the neck.”Among bodies that were not burned, the heads were often badly disfigured. “Heads and faces were covered in blood. They were shot in the eyes, face, and skull,” she said. “It was often impossible for families to be shown faces, and it seems as if mutilation of these women’s faces was an objective in their murders.” ….

Some had their “heads bashed in so badly that their brains were spilling out,” Mendes continued. “Some were shot in the head so many times at close range that their heads were almost blown off.

“In some cases, this was done after death, just out of cruelty,” she said, explaining that the absence of blood in the wounds showed that none was left in the body to drain out.

The Washington Post reports:

Authorities invited journalists this month to view a video compilation that drew from at least 60,000 clips and more than 1,000 witness statements.“There was humiliation through rape on the morning of Oct. 7,” Israeli Police Chief Kobi Shabtai said.“There was worse evidence that we were not able to show,” he said. “They cut limbs and genitals, they raped, they abused corpses. There were sadistic sexual acts.” ..One woman, her face blurred and her identity concealed in a video statement to police, said she saw a gang rape at the Nova rave near Re’im during the Oct. 7 attack, as she lay down, pretending to be dead.The witness saw a woman bleeding from the back, she said, first bent over, then pulled back up by combatants. One man pulled the woman’s long hair and raped her, the witness said, then passed her onto another man, who also raped her before shooting her in the head.“He didn’t pick up his pants,” the witness said. “He shot her while inside her.”

Moran Yanai, 40, was kidnapped from the Nova Festival and held captive for 54 days. #HamasTerrorists filmed the moment when they found Moran hiding in a field. As she begged for her life the monster laughed and said:“Here, we caught one of the Jewish dogs and we will take her as a sex slave. No man wants to see what we will do to her here in the fields.”She was released on 11/29. In her release video she can barely walk, her pelvis clearly broken. Our minds can’t even grasp the horrors inflicted on Moran and the 17 women who remain in Hamas captivity. Hamas are inhumane savages.

From prior reporting:

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, IDF, Israel