Influence Peddling With the Bidens Week at Legal Insurrection
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Influence Peddling With the Bidens Week at Legal Insurrection

Influence Peddling With the Bidens Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

It’s a good thing the Bidens aren’t Republicans, otherwise the media might notice this.

This sounds like kind of a big deal.

So the laptop was his? Is that what’s he’s saying?

Has Bob Menendez been taking lessons from them?

Meanwhile, the persecution of Trump continues.

It’s about time.

A story in two parts.

Who can even keep up with this?

The border crisis keeps getting worse.

Send buses to the Vatican.

So this was… interesting.

Does this mean Newsom is running?

World news.

What an embarrassment for Canada.

Did she get red-pilled?

Biden is such a hypocrite.

What happened to the left’s love of science?

For obvious reasons.

More green insanity.

Who benefits from this?


This was a little weird.

Just absurd.


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They passed a CR. Gaetz on the warpath. Did anyone notice?

“Influence Pedlling with the Bidens”

The Biden’s have pedlled so much influence that
all the landfills in America could not hold half of it.

    Paula in reply to Paula. | October 1, 2023 at 7:29 pm

    And with the money they made from influence pedlling you could fund the space program for the next quarter century or pay for the war in Ukraine for 2 or 3 hours.