Documents: DOJ Protecting Joe Biden, More Possible Connections to Hunter Biden’s Business Dealings
Did CNN really have an email about the IRS investigating Hunter Biden for two years?

The House Ways and Means Committee released more emails and documents showing more possible connections between President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s business dealings.
The committee published over 700 pages.
“These documents show a clearer connection between Joe Biden, his public office, and Hunter Biden’s global influence peddling scheme that resulted in over $20 million in payments to the Biden family,” stated Chairman Jason Smith. “In addition to then Vice-President Joe Biden attending lunches and speaking on the phone with his son’s business associates, the details released today paint a fuller picture of how Joe Biden’s vice-presidential office was instrumental to the Biden family’s business schemes.”
The committee published a few snippets from the trove of documents.
Here’s the first image.
Hunter isn’t completely stupid. He knows to keep Daddy’s name out of everything. I hate assuming, but it is okay in a few instances.
I mean, who else would be the Biden family’s brand? Who has been the front-and-center Biden for way too long?
Smith continued: “The evidence shows a pattern of Hunter Biden creating for-profit entities to shield at least $20 million from foreign sources from taxes and hide the trail of payments that led to members of the Biden family. The growing body of evidence further calls into question the Justice Department’s attempted sweetheart plea deal for Hunter Biden, and the reasons for appointing the architect of that plea deal as the special counsel for Hunter Biden’s case, in light of officials’ efforts to protect President Biden and his son. This evidence makes clear Hunter Biden’s business was selling the Biden ‘brand’ and that access to the White House was his family’s most valuable asset – despite official claims otherwise.”
Looky here. We have the Department of Justice trying to protect then-presidential candidate Joe Biden:
Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf told the federal agents to keep “Political Figure 1” out of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) probe.
Yeah, Political Figure 1 is Joe Biden.
Wolf is part of the office responsible for investigating Hunter’s tax and gun charges. She also faced allegations of obstructing the FBI’s investigations into possible ties between Biden and Hunter’s business partners.
IRS agents accused Wolf of interfering with Hunter’s tax probe investigation.
How about CNN? Did CNN have an email for two years about the Hunter investigation?
Hunter thought all of his problems would go away once Daddy became president.
Hunter planned to accept the plea deal for the charges in Delaware.
Hunter changed his mind when Judge Maryellen Noreika called out the blanket immunity portion of the plea deal.
No wonder Hunter thought his troubles would disappear with Daddy in the White House!

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If the Biden boys aren’t careful they could both wind up in double secret probation.
The core problem for me remains the answer to the simple question why was Biden, years ago, publicly bragging about using $1B in U.S. taxpayer funded foreign aid to extort the firing of an obscure Ukrainian prosecutor? Since watching the video, surely many Americans have wondered the same thing and haven’t come up with a benign answer.
Some may even be wondering how Biden can extort the Ukrainians in such an open manner while Democrats impeach a sitting President who didn’t extort anything from the Ukrainians?? crazy old world eh.
Y’all have far greater faith in the curiosity of the average American than I.
Of course they are. The whole edifice is corrupt. It hardly matters what these two bozos have done, between a crooked DOJ and a complicit media, NOTHING will happen.
Let’s not leave out the corrupt judges that have allowed this evil is good, good is evil legal system to blossom.
The Democrat judges are largely leftist true believers who gleefully persecute their enemies (conservatives, middle class peons, Christians, police officers who dare use force to stop or arrest resisting criminals) and reward their friends (repeat criminals, drug abusers and any leftist rioter or politician).
The GOPe judges who were mostly appointed back in the day requiring 60 votes all had to have substantial Democrat support so unsurprising they are mostly liberal. They are also unlikely to show any backbone. They remind me of the judge in the old movie Miracle on 34th St. when the political advisor to the Judge tells him that he can’t get him elected if he rules against Kris Kringle being acknowledged as the true Santa Claus.
We are fortunately blessed with a few true great jurists with great wisdom and courage exemplified by Justice Clarence Thomas.
If this Republic is to survive as free with the rights endowed by our creator, we will need to have our next President appoint more judges with his courage and conviction.
What a surprise that the establishment would act to protect their pedophile… Nothing but a bunch of corrupt garbage, the lot of them.
Could the “family’s brand” be referring to Hunter’s Special Snort, a premium line of cocaine? 😛
DOJ is corrupt, and it, like the FBI, must be shut down. Shutting them down would eliminate, at least for the time being, the malignant growth we have observed of KGB-like powers and actions of both of them. As for the corruption of Brandon & Co., we here have guessed that they are corrupt, although maybe not the extent of how corrupt they are. The issue is, will the rest of the nation come to know it. I doubt it because the Leftist media will attempt to bury any news about the corruption or failing that, to minimize Brandon & Company’s corruption.
Well, Trump had 4 years and never did anything at all to shut down the DOJ or the FBI, so what do you expect?
I’m more interested in what was in those classified documents not only in the garage that Hunter had full access to but at Penn where a bunch were. You know, the center that got $60,000,000 from China
Harder to be in any more plane English than that, but what would I know? I majored in plain geometry.
This is obstruction of justice 101