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Mugshot of the Century Week at Legal Insurrection

Mugshot of the Century Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

It’s absolutely sickening to watch what the Democrats are doing to Trump.

As someone who remembers 9/11 like it was yesterday, this is infuriating.


Biden’s response in Hawaii has been shameful.

People are justifiably angry.

It just keeps getting worse.

Getting results!

Did you watch the GOP debate?

Or the Trump/Tucker interview?

Everyone seems angry at DeSantis.

World news.

The left is really going all in on this.

There is push back.

The border crisis continues.

This is concerning.

The timing is a bit curious.

What a dope.


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goddessoftheclassroom | August 27, 2023 at 9:54 am

What Gov. Desantis lacks in razzle-dazzle he more than counters with substance and solutions.

Check out the Florida Seal of Excellence Civics Course:

About This Course
The Florida Department of Education designed and developed the content of this first-of-its-kind teacher training program, which aligns with Florida’s revised civics and government academic standards. In each lesson, participants will study video-based lessons created and delivered by 53 expert scholars and practitioners in history, government, and political science from Florida and around the country. In most lessons, participants will submit responses to reflection activities and complete interactive assessments. For the average participant, the course should take about 50 hours, and participants have two months to complete the course.

Special Thanks
The Florida Department of Education would like to express its sincere appreciation to Dr. Mark David Hall of George Fox University, Dr. Stephen Masyada of the University of Central Florida, and Dr. Matthew Spalding of Hillsdale College for their critical role as Civics Content Experts in developing the Civics Seal of Excellence Endorsement Course.

THIS is what Gov. Desantis is doing to make Florida’s teachers help students into better citizens. It is a terrific, rigorous course. It is funded by the legislature so that it’s free for Florida’s teachers and provides a $3000 stipdend upon completion.