Report: As VP, Joe Biden Used Email Aliases To Loop Hunter In On Ukraine, Government Business
“Then-Vice President Biden emailed Hunter under the aliases ‘Robin Ware,’ ‘Robert L. Peters’ and ‘JRB Ware’ between 2014 and 2016, keeping his son abreast of scheduled talks with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Kyiv Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman”

Joe Biden’s gross corruption and influence peddling just keep getting worse.
The New York Post is reporting that as vice president Joe Biden, obviously knowing what he was doing was wrong, used fake email names to keep his unemployable son Hunter in drugs and hookers with money squeezed from foreign governments in exchange for changes in U.S. foreign policy.
These changes reportedly include sending hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer money to the Ukraine government while the Biden family enriched itself through numerous shell companies and other shady dealings.
Joe Biden used alias emails to loop Hunter in on Ukraine meetings: laptop
— New York Post (@nypost) August 20, 2023
President Biden used at least three pseudonyms during his vice presidency to send messages to his son Hunter concerning both family and official government business — including meetings with Ukrainian leaders, emails found on the first son’s abandoned laptop show.
Then-Vice President Biden emailed Hunter under the aliases “Robin Ware,” “Robert L. Peters” and “JRB Ware” between 2014 and 2016, keeping his son abreast of scheduled talks with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Kyiv Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, among other communications The Post first revealed in 2021.
The elder Biden had one of his aides, John Flynn, send his daily schedule to the private email address “[email protected]” at least 10 times between May 18 and June 15, 2016, copying Hunter on a May 26 message with a note about an “8.45am prep for 9am phonecall [sic] with Pres Poroshenko.”
. . . . The vice president, who was in charge of Ukraine policy at the time, discussed reforms to Shokin’s office after the prosecutor’s ouster, according to an archived readout of the May 27 conversation.
The year after leaving office, Biden publicly stated that he had threatened during his December 2015 visit to Ukraine to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees if Shokin was not ousted.
A June 15, 2016, meeting with Prime Minister Groysman led to an announcement of “$220 million in new assistance to Ukraine,” records show. Hunter had also been cc’d about that meeting on his father’s schedule the day before.
Just how wide-ranging is this corruption racket? Perhaps shockingly so.
The NY Post continues:
Hunter didn’t only receive heads-up about Ukraine from his dad’s office. In June 2015, Joe Biden’s longtime assistant Kathy Chung sent both Hunter and “Peters” a list of 25 cell phone numbers linked to major political players — including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Senate party leaders Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid, then-DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
. . . . [Biden’s elder son] Beau had also given “a talk on corruption” in Kyiv, according to correspondence Joe Biden received from then-Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken (now Secretary of State) and forwarded to Hunter from his “Robin Ware” email address on March 26, 2012.
The president also used the “JRB Ware” name in late 2016 to discuss plans for the Penn Biden Center, which later opened in Washington, DC, and where attorneys for the president found improperly housed classified material late last year.
Needless to say, people have thoughts:
Rep Tim Burchett when asked why then VP Biden would use alias emails & fake email names:
“Of course you do it to hide your identity, and you’re doing something illegal..”
Sound Up 🔊🔥🔥
— 🔥🇺🇸 KC 🇺🇸🔥 (@KCPayTreeIt) August 17, 2023
So Joe Biden used the email alias of [email protected] but what no one is asking is what happened to the domain It no longer resolves.
— American Yeehawd (@americanyeehawd) August 18, 2023
Worth noting that the [email protected] email was attached to the name "Peter Henderson," a NAME Joe Biden used as an alias.
Coincidentally (?), that's the same name as an American traitor caught and used by the FBI in a few Tom Clancy novels.@MarcoPolo501c3
— Unredacted_American (@AUnredacted) August 20, 2023
🚨Just in 🚨The current sitting President used a fake government email under the alias of Robert L. Peters to coordinate with his son on "business" in Ukraine when he was VP.
Mounting evidence keeps piling
up on the DOJ’s desk. How long can they keep on the defence ⚔️ #biden…— Truth Over Media (@TruthOverMedia) August 17, 2023
I wonder if he has to use a burner phone b/c his handlers have the real one.
— TheTuck (@Tuckdacity) August 20, 2023
It’s not it is actually quite common. What is troubling is that alias email address was used to schedule a call with Poroshenko and Hunter. Why would the VP at the time have his son cc’d on a call with Ukrainian president ?
— J A (@JA2023X) August 20, 2023
Court order aleady underway, yes.
— NOLI ME CALCARE I'm a woman. (@JamesAn65726913) August 20, 2023

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
I’m betting that nothing will ever be done about all this, but if I’m wrong, they will eventually claim that Biden is mentally unfit to stand trial.
You are wrong. They did do something about all of this, they impeached Trump 🤬😡🙄
And stole his second Presidency
Pretty much, yes.
Consider this for a moment. With all they did to Trump, do you really think anyone else could survive the onslaught he has withstood??
No one could no one but President Trump
The fat lady ain’t sung yet.
Don’t know about you lot BUUUUUT this does seem awfully conspiracy-it where it looks like the Bidens conspired together to enjoy the benefits of their positions by selling “the illusion of access” to very top men in Government.
Maybe it’s just me but I’m sure the previous President is being hounded for far, far less than what the Bidens have actually gotten up to (and benefitted handsomely from selling all that “illusion to access” access.
What’s even worse is that it now appears that Hunter Biden was heavily involved with Trumps Ukrainian impeachment?
Seems like a lot of shifty shit was happening and I suspect it was happening with plenty of Democrats knowledge.
Right proper criminal syndicate going on there eh. Btw, I’m referring to the Democratic Party.
Now we know why Ukrainian businessmen were stuffing Hunter’s pockets. Now we know he was selling them information his Dad was providing.
As these pile up makes me sure Sundowner will be given a offer he can’t refuse. A campaign will get these charges out there in ads at minimum. The fraud can keep Sundowner in play but all the underarms don’t always get the fraud votes.
I wonder if the family gets a cut rate on the sunglasses
Prosecutors have a name for this: consciousness of guilt. It means you know you are doing, will be doing, or have done something wrong.
Impeach. Otherwise the American people will not find out and will continue to believe, wrongly, Trump is the bad guy,
That would be a complete waste of time and you just know Democrats and their propoganda arm will use this to push the whole Republicans pounce line. Not worth the time to impeach a guy who hasn’t a clue what the time of day is.
McConnell and the GOPe crowd have already preemptively surrendered on this subject. Again. This isn’t the hill to die on. Again.
“Biden’s longtime assistant Kathy Chung sent both Hunter and “Peters” a list of 25 cell phone numbers linked to major political players — including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Senate party leaders Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid, then-DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.”
One of these things is not like the others.
Ole Mitch
Such a strong Republican
Right there representing people of America
What a pieces of crap
Straight up LIED to the American public on the debate stage about subject entirely germane to the upcoming election. Trump was right all along and got — is getting — the full Stalin treatment.
What the hell is going on with our country?
The impunity that accompanies their egregious actions makes my spidey sense tingle and makes me believe that the worst is yet to come.
When the selling out of our political influence goes unchecked, the entire world suffers and war ensues.
The war, in this case, being the Second American Civil War. The Dems are doing everything they possibly can to trigger it, but cooler heads are – so far – prevailing. All the enemy needs now is a Reichstag Fire event.
Didja miss January 6?
The country has had corrupt politicians before. IMO the core problem is a corrupt Fourth Estate. Democracy dies in darkness.
Yep. All the shit that’s been going on demonstrates how absolutely vital a clean, unbiased and untainted press is to actually preserving Democracy.
We have t had this many corrupt politicians at one time
Everyone leaves a millionaire many times over
What we have is a failure of culture , lack of God and any respect for authority or rule of law.
Well, as long as the private emails weren’t on a bathroom server, I suppose Biden will survive this. What he may not survive is his presidency if he keeps sundowning all the time.
…said no one in federal authority, ever, about the Biden Crime Family.
Nope, they’ll just keep on talking about it at the water cooler.
And, we’re supposed to believe that the corrupt FBI and IRS weren’t aware of crime boss and dotard-marionette, Biden’s, decades-old foreign influence-peddling racketeering schemes, which netted more than $20 million in filthy lucre for the Biden clan’s greedy, lazy and entitled members. Please.
Cock Robin to Best Boy. Come in, Best Boy.
The swallows have returned to Capistrano.
Not on point of the article, but on the lede using the picture of Biden with his usual sunglasses. How can anyone not see ventriloquist Jeff Dunham’s ‘Walter’ when looking at Biden. Though Dunham projects ‘Walter’ even as a ‘dummy’ much more relevant and cognizant than ole Joe.
Burner phones and pseudonymous e-mails are always a cover for activities a person wants to hide because of their dubious legality or outright illegality-Subpoena them all!
Biden has unquestionned loyalty to Hunter and has a long record of acing a like a pervert in public-like father, like son