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Democrats and Double Standards Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats and Double Standards Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Have you noticed that everything is different when Democrats do it?

Yet they still go after Trump relentlessly.

Excellent question.

He’s right.

CNN is such a joke.

Biden, on the other hand, gets a pass for everything.

The media even covers for him.



DeSantis is upping his game.

World news.


The border is still a mess.

Blue cities are starting to feel it.

Something’s gotta give.

More green insanity.

This is not good.

Sounds kinda fascist.

We do it all for you!


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It’s a double audience, not a double standard. Trump not only stole the 2016 election but refused to acknowledge his 2020 loss. The single standard is that Trump is evil.

    2smartforlibs in reply to rhhardin. | August 6, 2023 at 9:50 am

    nice sarcasm

    scooterjay in reply to rhhardin. | August 6, 2023 at 11:54 am

    Trump didn’t steal 2016, he prevented HRC from stealing it as she underestimated the amount of harvested ballots needed. All Trump is guilty of is winning, fair and square.
    In the era of narratives we cannot have truth. Evidence: transgender.

2smartforlibs | August 6, 2023 at 9:50 am

It’s not a double standard it’s a hierarchy.

CNN Analyst Thinks Trump’s J6 Actions are Comparable to Osama bin Laden’s 9/11 Attack.

CNN and company spent years sympathizing with, and validating, Islamist grievances against America and the west. 9/11 wasn’t entirely unjustified they said. And CNN demanded we do the same. It’s a “nuance” those flyover knuckle draggers simply can’t understand.

Now the same people overturn their own progressivism and progressive qualifiers regarding 9/11 – now a bad thing – and declare 9/11 unjustified and want desperately to link the evil of 9/11 with Trump and the whole of the right wing.

I’m so confused by it that I’m unsure if my description of it makes sense.