Vanity Fair: DeSantis Chose Musk for Campaign Announcement Because ‘Apparently David Duke Wasn’t Available’
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Vanity Fair: DeSantis Chose Musk for Campaign Announcement Because ‘Apparently David Duke Wasn’t Available’

Vanity Fair: DeSantis Chose Musk for Campaign Announcement Because ‘Apparently David Duke Wasn’t Available’

“[DeSantis] is said to be planning to formally jump into the 2024 race during a conversation on Twitter with Elon Musk, because apparently other neo-Nazi sympathizers weren’t available.”

It’s safe to say that panic and hysteria have officially set in among Democrats and their allies in the media after reports Tuesday that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis would be formally announcing his campaign during a Twitter chat with the social media platform’s CEO Elon Musk tonight.

Because it’s been obvious for months now that DeSantis was going to jump into the race, The Usual Suspects have been cranking out the hit pieces, including repeatedly warning us that DeSantis “will be worse” than fellow 2024 GOP contender and former President Donald Trump, attempting to “Kavanaugh” DeSantis by digging into his high school yearbooks, outing him as a primitive pudding eater, declaring his candidacy over before it gets started, and attacking DeSantis’ wife Casey using sources like Trump confidant Roger Stone.

The common theme in all of the media’s DeSantis bashing is that he’s an intolerant bigot, is racist, hates transgender people, etc. In reality, he’s anti-woke, anti-indoctrination, which is what really sends his critics to the fainting couches while clutching pearls every time DeSantis opens his mouth and sets their hair on fire in the process.

The latest example comes from Vanity Fair, which previously pushed its own “DeSantis is worse than Trump” narrative back in January. This time around, they’re suggesting DeSantis deliberately chose Musk for his announcement not because he knew it would get millions of eyes on his campaign but because he and Musk are neo-Nazi kindred spirits:

From the piece:

After many months of refusing to confirm what so many people already suspected, Ron DeSantis will reportedly announce on Wednesday that he is running for president. And that’s not all: He is said to be planning to formally jump into the 2024 race during a conversation on Twitter with Elon Musk, because apparently other neo-Nazi sympathizers weren’t available.

As NBC News notes, aligning with Musk and his 140 million followers could give DeSantis a “significant boost,” but there’s also an obvious downside to teaming up with a guy who has said and done terrible things—and who has turned Twitter into a safe haven for hate speech; given a new home to Tucker “Great Replacement Theory” Carlson; and made remarks about George Soros that the Anti-Defamation League said would “embolden extremists.”

On the other hand, it’s very possible that that’s exactly why DeSantis wants to align himself with Musk.


Anyway, just as a reminder, a DeSantis presidency is as terrible a prospect as a Trump one.

In just a few words, they managed to demonize pretty much every major conservative/independent player that mainstream conservatives respect – DeSantis, Trump, Tucker, and Musk, while holding leftist “defamation” orgs like ADL in high regard. The translation here is that everyone on the right is an extremist and that the minority groups Democrats need in order to win in 2024 should be really afraid or something.

The problem for Democrats is that fewer and fewer people in those groups are buying those arguments anymore, something that surprisingly enough was inadvertently admitted by CNN “This Morning” anchor Sara Sidner during a Monday interview with NAACP president Derrick Johnson on the group’s blatantly partisan “travel advisory” for Florida.

Sidner pointed out that not only did DeSantis get 58 percent of the Hispanic vote and 13 percent of the black vote in the Florida 2022 gubernatorial election – pretty impressive numbers for any GOP candidate, but that black and Hispanic business owners in Florida were doing extremely well.

She reported that according to the Florida Chamber of Commerce, “on the economic diversification front, in just the last few years, Florida has moved into the number one spot in the United States for black-owned businesses and number two for Hispanic and number two for women-owned businesses.”

After Sidner read the Chamber’s statement, she helpfully translated it for Johnson.

“When you hear those numbers, what they are saying is look, African-Americans and Hispanics are doing quite well here when it comes to running their own businesses and being able to make money here, and being able to live decent lives,” she went on to say.

Both segments are in the below clip. The one on the Chamber’s comments came at about the 3:25 mark and the one on CNN’s 2022 Florida exit polling came at around the 5:10 mark:

I mean, when even the notorious Trump/DeSantis bashers at CNN are stating the inconvenient truths about Republicans (including Trump) making significant inroads with minority groups, you know you’ve lost the game.

In any event, the DeSantis/Musk announcement partnership is a win win for both of them, with DeSantis taking another opportunity to thumb his nose at traditional media outlets and Musk doing exactly what he intended to when he bought Twitter in the first place:


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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2smartforlibs | May 24, 2023 at 12:02 pm

You would think that rag would also mention BUYden affinity for Robert “Sheets” Byrd, among other Klan notables BUYden has a fondness for.

We in the Sunshine State don’t care about what the media says about any Republican. If we don’t, why should you care?

The Cray Cray will be dialed up to eleventy when DeSantis officially becomes a candidate. The legacy media will shower us with ‘worse than Hitler’ stories. Many examples already out there including this crap from Politico.

The effete MR Rogers brand of Republicans will condemn him for daring to kick leftist ideas in the rhetorical jimmy instead of the usual go along/get along scenario. See D French, B Kristol, J Goldberg and other refugees from the Cruise ship.

The professional grifters on the right who perpetually lose elections and like it that way will pile on b/c a candidate who delivers results and wins reelection by 19 points in a purple ish State while ignoring their stupid advice is bad for their business model.

What remains to be seen is how the rest of the declared field of candidates for the GoP nomination chose to act. Will they focus on the issues voters care about; culture war issues, immigration and so on or will they adopt the attack lines offered up by the d/prog, their media allies and the frustrated DC establishment eager to wreck anyone who wants to do things differently and win?

    “The professional grifters on the right who perpetually lose elections and like it that way will pile on b/c a candidate who delivers results and wins reelection by 19 points in a purple ish State while ignoring their stupid advice is bad for their business model….”

    See; Ronna Romney, perpetual loser, money launderer and GOP Trojan Horse.

      CommoChief in reply to | May 24, 2023 at 1:51 pm

      Ronna (Romney) McDaniel is a good example of the professional consultant/operative class. She was reelected to a third term as GoP chair after some surprising endorsements by prominent politicians despite the failure during the 2022 midterms.

      One politician who did not endorse her and in fact endorsed her opponent even after McDaniel was way ahead in straw ballots was DeSantis. The professional consultant/operative class is insular, jealous and very vindictive to those who don’t carry their water. It is interesting to see who fell in line with the establishment on this issue, who didn’t and what the consequences may be down the road.

David Duke interviewing DeSantis would be a big draw. DeSantis could ask him what he makes of East Asians having a higher average IQ, a fact that ought to make white supremacy impossible.

Should be fun to troll the leftist media for the following few days. Heh, heh.

Every day it feels more like war.

David Duke is the Democrats’ sock puppet, kinda like BLM and ANTIFA.

Steven Brizel | May 24, 2023 at 1:15 pm

Musk believes in free speech-silencing anyone who has ” given a new home to Tucker “Great Replacement Theory” Carlson; and made remarks about George Soros that the Anti-Defamation League said would “embolden extremists.” is suprressing speech no matter how much you disagrree with it

    Anyone who disparages Carlson for his observations about the “Great Replacement Theory” is either a fu*king moron or a gaslighting cu*t. Well, perhaps a moronic gaslighting cu*t, but you get my point. It is glaringly obvious… there are dozens of examples of prominent Democrats gloating about it on video… if you refuse to acknowledge the reality then you are really just a fu*king moron or a liar.

    Soros is a self-acknowledged Globalist whose Open Borders Society seeks to destroy all of our liberties under the US Constitution. IMHO he should be treated like any other terrorist and be shot dead in the street like a rabid dog. Or droned ala Barky Obama.

It will be interesting to see if DeSantis can stand up to the onslaught heading his way…. I am taking odds that he will fold like a cheap card table.

Younare delusional if you think the left and the media are going to be any more reasonable to DeSantis than they are to Trump.

It’s like the piece was written to trigger Republicans. Why even give it oxygen when most people are savvy enough to reject it?

A majority of voters don’t trust the news they’re getting about politics, and still agree with former President Donald Trump’s denunciation of the news media as “the enemy of the people.”

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. voters say they trust the political news they’re getting – down from 37% in July 2021 – while 52% say they don’t trust political news,

We can and should dismiss the water-carrying, dutiful, Dumb-o-crat, mainstream media lapdogs’/trained seals’/propagandists’ slanders and invective against GOP candidate and officeholders, but, larger problem is that this incessantly negative and slanderous coverage produces an undeniable effect on the electorate, over time.

All of these anti-Trump and anti-DeSantis slanders and Narrative(TM)-peddling are basically free, negative campaign ad contributions gifted by the mainstream media, to the vile Dumb-o-crats.

    inspectorudy in reply to guyjones. | May 24, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    I wish you had an inside line with the Trump campaign to tell him to debate DeSantis and challenge him but not go the Hillary route with lies and made-up crap. Every insult/lie he throws out will be fodder for the msm and the Biden campaign. If he ends up being convicted next year, he and the msm will have damaged the next best candidate we have to stop Biden. I’m not hopeful though because yesterday the Trump PAC said “You haven’t seen anything yet, wait until we get really cranked up against DeSantis”. They’re going back to his high school days and his wife’s background also. I guess all he has done in FL is smoke and mirrors but unlike Mr. Trump, all that he has done are now LAWS.

      guyjones in reply to inspectorudy. | May 24, 2023 at 4:14 pm

      With the statement that I’ll obviously support whoever is the 2024 GOP nominee, out of the way, I’ll say that I think DeSantis is making a tactical mistake running for the nomination this year.

      I’ve stated before that until the GOP successfully addresses and combats the underlying problem of the lawless sabotage/subversion/dirty tricks shenanigans of the cabal triumvirate of Big Tech-Mainstream Media-FBI/Deep State, I don’t think we’ll be seeing a victorious GOP presidential candidate, anytime soon.

      The GOP’s dismal 2022 congressional election showing demonstrated that more than half of the voting age populace will reflexively and perennially vote for Dumb-o-crats, no matter how manifestly corrupt, incompetent and corrosive their governance and their policies. So, as confounding as it may seem that dotard-marionette, Biden, would stand a snowball’s chance in hell of maintaining his bed in the White House geriatric ward, given his utterly disastrous and ruinous tenure and his vindictive and obnoxious persona/leadership style, I think that whoever the 2024 GOP nominee will be is going to have an uphill battle.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to inspectorudy. | May 24, 2023 at 5:02 pm

      Trump will run against DeSantis.

      DeSantis will run against Biden.

They’re just telling everyone they have no arguments and nothing of substance to say.

It’s the equivalent of dogs barking.

I believe Vanity Fair is an itsy bit bitchy today over DeSantis getting in the race.

NAACP Travel Advisory vs Common Sense Travel Advisory

Below are two travel advisories. One is common sense. The other is bullshit. Can you tell which is which?

1. Travel to Florida should be done with extreme caution as it can be particularly unsafe for people of color.

2. Travel to Chicago, Philadelphia & Detroit should be done with extreme caution as it can be particularly unsafe for people of color.

henrybowman | May 24, 2023 at 3:13 pm

“other neo-Nazi sympathizers”
Wonder if Elon has a billion to spare to sue these c*ts for libel?
Being a public figure, he won’t win, of course, but he can outspend them straight into bankruptcy.

inspectorudy | May 24, 2023 at 3:21 pm

What Vanity Fair said about Musk is defamation and libel but under the ridiculous laws we have, because he is a public figure, he can’t sue them. This is how the msm stays in business. If they could be sued by public figures they would have to do research/verify before they print/air the lying garbage they put out.

E Howard Hunt | May 24, 2023 at 3:44 pm

He’d get my vote if he’d chosen Jared Taylor. Musk still bans this rational, towering, nonviolent intellectual.

Antifundamentalist | May 24, 2023 at 3:44 pm

Wasn’t David Duke a long time family friend and associate of the Hillary Clinton’s? I vaguely remember a big to-do about family Christmast photos back in the ’90s.

    Antifundamentalist in reply to Antifundamentalist. | May 24, 2023 at 3:45 pm

    Apparently, I can’t spell today. Apologies.

    Let’s not make up stuff about dems when the actual facts about them are sufficiently awful to make you not like them. We’re not ourselves dems, after all.

    Hillary (and her supporters) tried to slander Trump as KKK friendly, when it was Hillary herself who is on the record as saying Senator Robert (KKK) Byrd was her mentor and friend,

    That said, a reminder to our younger friends about the facts of David Duke and his party affiliations. DD was a longtime Klan member, leader, and wannabe political candidate. For years he repeatedly ran as a Dem in his local primaries, often getting a fairly large percentage, in a state where winning the Dem primary usually meant winning the office as well. With the passage of time that percentage dropped. DD got the bright idea of running one year as a republican instead, given that the republican primary turnout was historically so low that if his fellow Klan members all supported him (open primary state) he could “yoinks and away” the primary win and for once appear on the final election ballot.

    To complicate matters, the Dem front runner was a sitting incumbent who was as crooked as can be and facing probable prison time wether he won or lost the election. So for once the republican nominee might have a chance. The local and national Republicans both spent a fortune asking voters to not vote republican that year. One bumper sticker they gave away said it all – “Vote for the crook, it’s important”.

    DD lost (again). And it’s important to note that subsequent years running for office DD returned to running as a Dem. Except that one time.

    So, of course, the Dem meme is that DD is/was a republican and all republicans are actually Republi-Klans.

The Gentle Grizzly | May 24, 2023 at 3:54 pm

Vanity? FEH!

The Gentle Grizzly | May 24, 2023 at 5:04 pm

Trump will run against DeSantis.

DeSantis will run against Biden.

Eventually people will tire of the media who cried wolf.

Got any evidence for that?

    Suburban Farm Guy in reply to randian. | May 25, 2023 at 7:40 am

    Not a chance. The feral idiot children will always lead with theit inane non sequitur potty-mouthed juvenile insults, like the totalitarian Maoist wannabes they are