Google Searches Show People Care About the Border and Economy as Dems Focus on Abortion and Trump

The Axios midterms dashboard revealed Google searches for the border and crime have gone up, leaving abortion and the Mar-a-Lago raid in the dust.

The mid-terms are seven weeks away. Will the Democrats focus on issues important to the American people?

The elitist Democrats will never learn from 2016. Ordinary Americans care about their jobs, putting food on the table, taking care of their family, and safety.

Democrats remain rabid on abortion and President Donald Trump. Their obsession with Trump, who is two years out of office, goes beyond TDS, and it’s disturbing and creepy.

You can say the same with their fixation on abortion, which only increased after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

From Axios:

The big picture: Democrats have been laser focused on abortion as a winning issue, but the new data shows a waning interest nationally after the initial surge that followed the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. It remains high in some states and districts, including Indiana, which passed a near total ban last month.

The Democrats whined when Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey sent illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities DC, New York City, and Chicago.

But the border crisis had finally saturated the news now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the new boogeyman, got in on the action when he sent illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, the luxury getaway for wealthy Democrats.

Uh oh. DeSantis invaded their paradise where they could genuinely remain away from the plebes.

An organization backed by George Soros filed a lawsuit against DeSantis on behalf of some illegal immigrants flown to the island.

Then the media tries to sugarcoat that Martha’s Vineyard transported the illegal immigrants to a military base in Cape Cod because that’s so different from what the southern governors have done?

The fact is DeSantis is a genius for literally dropping off illegal immigrants on the elitists’ doorsteps. Everyone is finally paying attention to the border crisis, which devastates small border towns. Abbott and Ducey have asked and demanded help from the Biden administration to help with immigration.

Crickets. Border Czar Vice President Kamala Harris is mixing world salads everywhere other than the border. She’s still silent after Abbott sent two buses with illegal immigrants to her residence.

But Americans are still primarily concerned about their welfare. Jobs, taxes, and wages remained near the top of the most searched subjects.

Polls have shown that independent voters care more about the economy even though people like veteran strategist James Carville defend Democrats concentrating on abortion.

A Quinnipiac University poll found that 43% of independents cared the most about inflation, and only 12% felt that about abortion.

Suffolk University poll showed that 38% of independents in Ohio put inflation at the top of the list. Only 17% put abortion at #1.

But no. It’s totally okay that Democrats fawn over abortion:

To Carville, the longtime advisor to former President Bill Clinton, the GOP message on the economy simply isn’t as clear as the Democrats’ message on abortion.”Americans don’t see a distinction between the Republican plan and the Democrat plan on inflation because there isn’t one,” Carville told Fox News Digital. “Republicans don’t have a plan to reduce inflation that I know of. However, they do see a distinction between Republicans and Democrats on abortion and the distinction is the Republicans are trying to restrict abortion,” said Carville, who is famously known for coining the phrase “it’s the economy stupid” while working on Clinton’s campaign in the 1990s.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Abortion, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Democrats, Donald Trump, Economy, Google, Republicans