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Democrats Embrace Authoritarianism Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats Embrace Authoritarianism Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Democrats have crossed a line that no one thought we would ever see in this country.

This was done with clear purpose.

They don’t even care how it looks.

Everything about it is questionable.

And yet the media is trying to spin it.

And Garland took no questions.

Trump is the one calling for transparency.

And the story keeps changing.

Even Cuomo knows it stinks.

Meanwhile, Democrats are celebrating the passage of this monstrosity.

This is not encouraging.

Yes, we do.

Inflation is what voters care about. And yet…

Her primary is this week.

Compare and contrast.


How is he wrong?

World news.



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Subotai Bahadur | August 14, 2022 at 5:50 pm

“Embrace authoritarianism”? The Democrats have been writing an entire Kama Sutra to describe their carnal and emotional relationship with tyranny for generations.

Subotai Bahadur