Trudeau the Authoritarian Menace Week at Legal Insurrection
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Trudeau the Authoritarian Menace Week at Legal Insurrection

Trudeau the Authoritarian Menace Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

What we’re seeing happen in Canada right now is unlike anything in our lifetimes. Don’t think it can’t happen here.

Things went from bad to worse pretty quickly.

Here in America, Democrats are in disarray.

This crime and what followed defy belief.

Newsflash: The media is still awful.

A horrible decision.

Rules for thee but not for me.

The Sarah Palin trial was a train wreck.

The Cuomo brothers show gets worse.

World news.

Branco cartoon!


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‘Vichy’ North America.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

Anyone know when the next national elections will be called? I’ll bet Justine has quite a bit of backing from the left. The question is, how far gone will the rest of Canada be?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Whitewall. | February 20, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    Unfortunately, if national leaders of any country continue to terrorize and subdue their citizens, there won’t be future elections. The people will rise, and they will water the tree of liberty no matter where they live.

    The jack boot thugs who wear the name of “POLICE” will be vilified. Their families will be murdered on the streets. All because they decide to accepted the orders of tyrants over the people.

    Canada is a powder keg waiting to explode. What will be the @shot heard round the world that will set of that powder keg?

    I fear for America, I fear for Canada, and I fear for free peoples everywhere. They are being forced to defend themselves against the very people who were levied to serve them.

    But the self appointed masters forgot their purpose, their pearls, and their duty.

    May they all rot I. The hell they created. And may those who supported them in their tyranny feel the right ripe of freedom around their necks.

What a putz

It seems Ottawa police have escalated even further this afternoon by beginning to arrest business owners that stayed open and committed the ‘crime’ of serving the protestors. Everyday, the Canadian government seems to reach a new low.

casualobserver | February 20, 2022 at 1:35 pm

The next phase of Canadian politics is going to be very interesting to watch. Will this spawn a new wave of voters and voting, or will the people of Canada continue on their crazy path of late? If a wave does emerge, then Trudeau may have sinched his spot in history — people will be talking about the “Trudeau Effect” for centuries.

So where is the opposition in all of this?

That pretty chick seems to be a specialist in pretty speeches and nothing much more than that.

And the timing of all this is incredibly convenient eh. Bring the new law in on Thursday, close Parliament Friday, reign terror down Saturday and Sunday and monday crickets and tumble weeds.

Its a great big fuck you to Justine Castro but eqaully a great big fuck you to the opposition who conveniently went fucking missing in action at just the right time.

Fuck them all!